Almost 2000 unknown species of bacteria in the human bowel discovered

About a hundred trillion bacteria carry everyone – alone, in the intestine. Which sounds disgusting, is extremely useful. Because the roommate in our intestines columns in nutrients, expel pathogens, and some are even suspected to affect our Psyche. How many types of bacteria live in the gut and how they affect health, is not yet explored in Detail.

Now a new study shows that In our gut it’s full, apparently, of much more types of bacteria than previously believed, report researchers at the Wellcome Sanger Institute and the European Bioinformatics Institute in the journal “Nature”. You came on 2000, new species. The bacteria were previously unknown, according to the researchers, probably due to the fact that they appear rarely and outside the human intestine could hardly survive.

Intestinal flora differs in the world

For their analysis, the scientists ‘ bacteria-DNA were evaluated in samples from more than 13,000 human chair. “That was about as, as if putting together puzzle pieces without knowing what the finished picture should look like,” said Rob Finn from the European Bioinformatics Institute, has been involved in the study.

So far, the researchers know almost nothing about the microbes, because in the laboratory they were not previously cultivated. The data showed, however, that intestinal bacteria differ in the world. “In the case of Europeans and North Americans have the same intestinal bacteria in something,” says Finn. This differed significantly from comparison samples from South America or Africa.

The researchers now want to try to breed the strains of bacteria in the laboratory, to find out what they do in the gut. Because still is largely unclear what constitutes a healthy intestinal flora. A weakened intestinal flora can lead in the worst case of chronic intestinal disease. Doctors in such cases, for example, chair a transplantation, in which the intestinal bacteria, diluted with saline solution through a stomach probe in the digestive tract.

Also, many dietary supplements promise a healthier intestinal flora. Researchers doubt, however, that, for example, probiotic yoghurts actually bring a positive effect.

“The scientific evidence is not sufficient to recommend any people to resort to probiotic yogurts,” said Stephan C. Bischoff, Director of the Institute for nutritional medicine at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, in an Interview with the MIRROR. Healthy people need in General, no dietary Supplement, crucial to a balanced diet and adequate exercise.