Organ donation: the number is rising again

For the first time in years, in Germany, there are more organ donors. Although the year is not over yet, the German organ transplantation Foundation (DSO) for 2018, more donors than in the whole of last year. Also, the number of procured organs increased.

The DSO that have been counted by mid-November of this year, 832 people as organ donors in Germany. In the year 2017, the number was a total of 797 donors – the lowest level in 20 years. Also, the sum of the removed organs is increased: so Far, the DSO, 2566 bodies from Germany were planning to about Euro TRANS to the seriously ill. The majority of the were kidneys (1317), followed by livers (644), lungs (286), the heart (245), pancreatic cancer (72), as well as two small intestines.

"Every single Organ is hope for seriously ill people for whom no other therapy options more gibt", it is, in a communication of the DSO. As one of the reasons for the positive development of the ongoing looks at the Foundation at the end of public engagement with the topic. In fact, it was apparently less to the lack of donations to the German rather than to inadequate organization in the hospitals that the donor figures in Germany for many years. The scandals to manipulated waiting lists for transplants, which were issued in 2012 to the public, contributed to the slump, but in the meantime, studies also see problems in the Sampling of hospitals as the cause for the low level. These reported potential donors, rarely have found, according to the medical journal about researchers at the University hospital of Kiel, a Germany-wide study with more than 100,000 treatment cases.

That’s about to change: A bill of the Minister of health, Jens Spahn, expected to occur in the first half of the year 2019 in force, provides that transplantation of officers get more time for your task and Collection, hospitals will receive more money. To improve the processes involved in the recognition of possible organ donors and help save more lives.


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