The 7 methods of interval fasting

Table of contents

  • The various forms of interval fasting
  • 1. Daily 12 hours of fasting
  • 2. 16 hours a day fasting
  • 3. Each week, 2 days fasting
  • 4. Every other day fasting
  • 5. Weekly 1 day fast
  • 6. Meals let
  • 7. The Warrior Diet (The Warrior Diet)
  • Which method is the intermittent fasting is right for you?

The various forms of interval fasting

The health benefits of interval fasting have long been talked about around. Particularly like this diet is advertised because they are intended to support weight loss. We fast every day for 12 to 16 hours, then is activated in the organism, a mechanism, the body fat converts into energy.

Also the growth of cancer cells can be stopped with the help of the Intervallastens. Of course, the interval can lower fasting cholesterol levels back to a healthy level.

It is fascinating, furthermore, that the interval fasting can activate the so-called auto-phagocytosis. The auto phagocytosis describes the self-purification capacity of the body and thus, the ability of each cell to dispose of accumulated waste products. Auto-phagocytosis is working perfectly, it is not actually possible to be sick.

In the above-linked article, we have quoted the biophysicist Thomas finkenstädt with the words:

Even in the case of Multiple sclerosis, the interval fasting could be a healing impulse, as we have explained here. Just as in the case of Diabetes and for the prevention of breast cancer. Because the interval of fasting even the formation of new nerve stimulates cells in the brain, it forms also one of the best nutrition in order to stay mentally fit and active.

However, since again and again a different type of interval fasting is described, know some people did not exactly, as it is now correctly intermittent fasting. We provide below the various forms of intermittent fasting, or of the interval before fasting.

In all the methods respecting way, of course, a healthy diet and fulfills the rules of a full-fledged base excess diet!

1. Daily 12 hours of fasting

While you are eating at the typical fasting most days, nothing at all, and only a little broth and juice or even just water to drink, the interval fasting rather a Essrhtythmus. Because you eat mostly normal quantities, only at certain times, while you are eating at other times is consistently nothing.

The simplest Form of interval fasting, fasting daily for at least 12 hours, so there’s nothing to eat. For most people this is not difficult, because the rule is fulfilled alone, then, if you eat, for example, in the evening 20 o’clock until the next Morning at 8 o’clock, nothing. It is the ideal almost form for beginners, since you slept through the majority of the nearly of the time anyway.

It is difficult, at best, for people, the food habit, moderately late in the evening and first thing in the Morning again for Breakfast, which is not recommended from a health point of view, but rather, what is described in point 2 in more detail.

Of course, you could eat – for example, when you layer a service – at night and during the day e.g. from 10 o’clock to in the evening 22 at fast.

2. 16 hours a day fasting

If you have done it, 12 hours per day without food along, you can extend the night, it is almost time to 16 hours, which corresponds to the Optimum of the interval fasting. It is also called the 16:8 method, because you are allowed to fast for 16 hours and during the remaining 8 hours eating.

It is sometimes claimed that men should fast 16 hours and women for 14 hours. Just try it out, what method is better for you.

At a fast time of 16 hours you would finish, for example, 18 at the evening meal, and could take up to 10 am the next morning, the first meal of the day. Theoretically, you could stop also to 22 o’clock the evening meal and the next day, then only around 14 at the first meal served. Late night meals, however, are not generally advisable, since in the evening the digestive organs to work only on low flame.

Similarly, it would be disadvantageous to exit 15 at the last meal of the day, and at 7 again to eat Breakfast. Because the Morning the body is busy with the purification and toxic elimination. You eat well, then you break this important Ausleitaktivitäten.

In the 8-hour window of food intake to take only two main meals! Between meals there is no.

In the almost time and also in between meals within the 8 hour window to drink only water, or possibly a herbal tea. You want to drink coffee, juices or whatever, then you would have to take these drinks to the meals.

A study on mice showed that the 16:8 method Obesity, chronic inflammation, Diabetes, and liver disease, protects – and even then, if the animals had received the same number of Calories as mice that were able to choose for themselves when they wanted to eat (and long-term sick or overweight).

3. Each week, 2 days fasting

A further Form of interval fasting, the 5:2 method. It takes up to five days of the week, the usual amount of calories to (eat but of course healthy). On the other two days of the week, one reduces calorie intake to 600 kcal (men) or 500 kcal (women).

The two low-calorie days should not be consecutive. You choose so for example, Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday, so that always two to three “normal” days (at least one) in between.

In a study of 107 overweight women showed that this method can just as well lead to a decline in the success of as a lasting diet, so that many people choose, of course, prefer the interval fasting, since only two of the seven days of calorie restricting here moderately and not permanent, as in the case of a normal diet.

In the same study, it was found that the 5:2-method reduced the insulin levels and insulin sensitivity improved, and thus very good for Diabetes precursors can be implemented.

You can this method, of course, with the sub-1. or 2. the methods described combine.

4. Every other day fasting

You want to enhance the effect further, for example, in terms of weight loss, fasting during the Interval every second day of the calorie intake in 3. described reduce.

Even further, those people who are fasting every second day is actually going to take, so on these days, only water, herbal tea, broth, or juices.

On the eating days, it takes the normal amount of calories. However, there is also the variant in which the eating days so much can be eaten, as you like. Now, everything is almost possible.

In a study from November 2013, checked how the interval had a fasting on the weight and heart health. The subjects fasted every second day, with 25 percent of their energy needs the required amount of calories. On the other days they ate so much they wanted to. After 12 weeks, the participants had lost 5 kilograms more weight than the normal end to the control group. Also has reduced her body fat percentage significantly.

This method of interval fasting is not recommended for beginners, even for people with health problems. Also, it is in the long term, very stressful and difficult to endure.

5. Weekly 1 day fast

Also fasting one day per week may be referred to as an interval of fasting. On this day, just calories, are allowed free drinks, like water or tea. Eaten nothing.

Often this Form of interval is not fasting, is also a 24-hour fast called, because one must necessarily be a day of fasting, but to lunch, just for 24 hours, for example from Breakfast to Breakfast or lunch.

Anyone who feels the 24-hour fast as a long and hold out, you can first try the 12 – or 16-hour fasts and the fast of time then 24 hours to expand. Also, the method described below helps to slowly get used to the interval fasting.

6. Meals let

As a beginner in terms of interval fasting, you can try to let one or the other meal fail. If you have in the morning anyway, never really hungry, then let the Breakfast fail. If you are more likely to be in the evening hungry, then you leave the dinner. Of course, you can also flick the lunch.

It is important that you learn to interpret your body and its hunger signals. Many people eat Breakfast, because you are used to or because it is repeatedly preached how important Breakfast is (what it is not, however, at least not for everyone), but not because they are really hungry.

Eat you so from now on, only then, when you feel actually hungry. Your body will be made easier if they perceive at last their wishes and respond to. Automatically will fall on this way of meals under the table.

7. The Warrior Diet (The Warrior Diet)

The Warrior diet is a particularly extreme Form of interval fasting. You eat during the day, nothing or only small Snacks from raw food (fruits, vegetables, a few nuts) or a small protein shake (e.g., before exercise). In the evening, then there is a big meal, when to eat, what the body wants. This is a healthy instinct, it is assumed, as is not put together the dinner, of course, from cake, Chips and sweet particles.

The founder of the Warrior diet (Ori Hofmekler) justified his Diet is that of prehistoric man to Hunt during the day, so with and Collect was busy, that he had only in the evening time to eat in peace. A great evening, meal was Natural, therefore, something very much and would be in line with our instincts.

The dinner includes all of the nutrient groups: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and enough vegetables. During the day you should feel is always a quiet Hunger. Who is driving the Sport, should carry out the Training course prior to the evening meal.

If the total energy absorption is concentrated on a single meal, it is from our point of view and according to experience, difficult to take sufficient nutrients and vital substances, since it is not everyone manages to eat so much at once, such as to meet the needs would be required.

Also, not everyone feels after a big evening meal, as this then provides during the night, often for poor sleep by Völlegefühle. However, those who had always been a favourite only in the evening, lush ass, and in the day no great appetite, is in the Warrior the fulfillment of his personal diet find diet instincts.

Which method is the intermittent fasting is right for you?

The presented methods of the interval show fasting that it is mainly important that the respective person feels comfortable. To find the for a personally suitable method, it is themselves and their own diet instincts and preferences, and to live according to them – of course, always on the Basis of healthy food.

Who still has cravings on sweets, Junk Food and alcohol, should not rely too much on his appetite. In this case, the healthy instinct is covers of addictions industry-food and needs to be rescued. You can, in this case, first of all, your diet to a full and healthy diet from fresh ingredients, and then test different possibilities of interval fasting, until you have found the most suitable Form.

Should you suffer from a disease, before you go very slowly and discuss with your doctor or medical practitioner, if the interval is fast suitable for you. He should strongly advise you check with other Doctors or nutritionists, multiple opinions, and then on this basis make a good decision.

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