Tag: chemicals

What the brain really thinks about forever chemicals

The human-made chemicals that make our kitchen pans stick-free, our athletic wear water-repellent and firefighting chemicals more efficient do their jobs incredibly well, but it’s at the expense of lingering in the body and environment for what is believed to be forever. These forever chemicals, perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoic acid, more commonly known as PFOS

Heavy metals and dangerous chemicals are poisoning our seas

Pollutants in the sea water and endanger human and animal The increasing pollution of power to our seas not Stop. A recent report suggests that metals and a mixture of dangerous chemicals that poison difficult the seas of Europe, where more than three-quarters of the studied areas are already contaminated. In the sea occurring toxic

Secret Fattening unmasked With these chemicals in the food, our metabolism will be disturbed significantly

How endocrine disruptors affect our hormone balance In a large EU-research project studied a group of chemicals that are suspected to influence the metabolism of the person is negative. There are numerous indications that so-called endocrine disruptors weight gain as well as metabolic disorders such as fatty liver, high blood promote fat levels, and Diabetes.

Dead vaccines with toxic chemicals manufactured

The fight against infectious diseases: vaccines should now be chemical free In the production of vital vaccines are often used toxic chemicals. German researchers have now developed a novel technology that uses electron beams. This method allows you to be free for the first time, Dead vaccines, chemicals, quickly and reproducibly prepared. Protection against infectious