Tag: effects

Scientists assess effects of soccer player preparation and recovery on kicking performance

Brazilian researchers have published a systematic review of the scientific literature showing that some warm-up strategies such as dynamic stretching can effectively prepare soccer players to maintain kicking accuracy, whereas intense physical exercises have a negative effect on the velocity of the ball when kicked, and consumption of carbohydrate beverages during a match can enable

The effects of social determinants of health on kidney transplant candidates

Certain social determinants of health predict patient-reported outcomes in potential kidney transplant recipients, according to a study that will be presented online during ASN Kidney Week 2020 Reimagined October 19-October 25. In the 955-participant study, patients’ experience of discrimination in a medical setting, greater depressive symptoms, and a lower sense of mastery (or control over

Research discovers inhibitor to reverse toxic DUX4 effects

About one in 8,000 people have facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, according to a 2014 study, which is relatively common in the world of genetic diseases. New University of Minnesota Medical School research identifies an inhibitor that protects cells from toxic effects associated with this disease in cells and mice. Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) is a genetic

Already the thought of coffee provides an energy boost

Just the thought of coffee causes stimulating effects Coffee is not only in the German one of the most popular pick-me-up. However, you do not need to drink a hot drink again, to get up to speed in the swing. Even the thought of coffee provides an energy boost. The researchers have now found now.

Statins: Side effects, risks, and benefits

Statins are a type of drug prescribed to help people prevent or manage cardiovascular disease (CVD) and reduce their cholesterol levels. A study on statins released yesterday found that around half of patients the drugs did not have enough of an effect on so-called bad cholesterol. The study, which looked at 165,000 people prescribed statins,

Effects of teenage motherhood may last multiple generations

The grandchildren of adolescent mothers have lower school readiness scores than their peers, according to a study published February 6, 2019 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Elizabeth Wall-Wieler of Stanford University and colleagues at the University of Manitoba. Previous studies have established that children born to adolescent mothers are less ready for school

Valium vs. Xanax: Differences, similarities, and effects

Valium and Xanax are brand names for two types of medication for anxiety. The generic name for Valium is diazepam. The generic name for Xanax is alprazolam. Many anxiety symptoms result, to some extent, from a chemical imbalance in the brain. Medication can help change this imbalance. Sedatives slow down certain functions in the body.

Clonazepam vs. Xanax: Differences, dosage, and side effects

The most common use of Xanax is as an anti-anxiety medication. Created in 1969 by the pharmaceutical company Upjohn, there are now more than 50 million prescriptions for Xanax written each year. Xanax is the brand name of a drug called alprazolam. Clonazepam is used to treat seizure disorders, among other things. It is an

Side effects of radiation for breast cancer: What to know

A doctor may recommend radiation therapy in combination with other treatments, such as surgery and chemotherapy. There are two main types of radiation treatment: External beam radiation: This involves a doctor applying radiation from an external machine to the breast and surrounding tissue. Internal radiation (brachytherapy): This involves placing a small radioactive pellet into the