Tag: healthy habits

Two Glasses Of Wine Before Bed Helps You Lose Weight, Science Says

It’s time to ditch that evening chamomile tea for a smooth Cabernet Sauvignon blend. Drinking two glasses of red wine before bed could actually help you lose weight, according to two new studies by Washington State and Harvard Medical School. Apparently, there’s a polyphenol called resveratrol in red wine that transforms ‘white fat’ into ‘beige fat’ (beige

Women Who Practice This Daily Habit Get Fewer UTIs

If you’re one of the millions of women who get UTIs on the reg, listen up: you probably haven’t been drinking enough water. According to a new study, staying hydrated is the key to keeping your nether regions infection-free. Researchers from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine recruited 140 women who suffer from

Elle Macpherson Swears By The Alkaline Diet For Glowing Skin

At the height of her career, Elle Macpherson was dubbed ‘The Body’ due to her supermodel proportions. The Australian business mogul has always been open about the hard work and discipline she puts in to maintain her shape, and now the 54-year-old is speaking candidly about how why she decided to overhaul her diet.  “I started to put on

'I Switched From 3 Big Meals A Day To 6 —And Lost 18Kg'

Growing up, I was always an active person: I played a sport every season in high school, all while eating whatever I wanted—ice cream, cakes, cookies, you name it—whenever I wanted. That athleticism is why I joined the Air Force as soon as I turned 17—but, in 2013 everything changed. I had two back-to-back accidents

Experts Say This Anti-Acne Diet Will Banish Breakouts For Good

You’ve probably heard that eating certain foods can make your acne ten times worse (sup, pizza!). But according to new research, it’s time to put this theory to bed. “Fried foods are often linked to blemishes as people think they cause greasy skin,” explains Pam Smyrnios, beauty and Makeup educator at The Masters Institute of Creative Education. “But

7 Healthy Snacks That Will Tame Your Appetite

Snacking, in its essence, is supposed to fill you up. Unfortunately that’s not always the case—that full stack of Pringles that you demolished may leave you wanting more. Some foods are naturally superior when it comes to helping you eat less because of the specific nutrients they contain, the form you eat them in, or

6 Women Share The One Food That Really Helped Them Lose Weight

Eat a grape, lose weight. It would be awesome if weight loss were that simple. But, alas, no one food can magically deliver all of your weight-loss goals on a silver platter. (Shucks.) Instead, healthy weight loss is all about making a lot of small changes to your nutrition habits—boosting your intake of certain foods, cutting back

7 High-Protein Snacks That Will Help You Build Muscle

If you want stronger muscles, lifting weights is a good place to start—but your diet makes a huge impact on your gains, too. That’s where protein comes in: the essential macronutrient helps repair the tiny tears strength training creates in your muscles, helping them grow faster. But while loading up on eggs at breakfast and chowing down on chicken

The Common Eating Habit That's Secretly Doubling Your Calories

Apart from a few indulgences—let’s face it, holiday parties and willpower don’t play well together—you might think you’re on track with your daily calorie amount. Even if you don’t count calories, you probably have a good idea of how close you’re coming to the recommended weight maintenance levels—which, according to the USDA, is between 2,400 and 3,000 calories

The 15 Best Fat-Burning Foods You Should Add To Your Diet

Cutting back on Ben & Jerry’s and Tostitos = one of the suckiest parts of dieting. But you *can* actually eat more (no more hanger!) and burn fat – if you’re focusing on the right foods. “People will go crazy and cut out whole food groups,” says nutritionist Jess Cording, R.D., “or be really intense

The Surprising Health Benefit Hiding In Turmeric

Turmeric — an Asian spice that gives curry its signature color — has made its mark as a “superfood.” Research has linked the ancient spice to a slew of health benefits, like reducing your risk of prostate cancer and heart disease, fighting bacteria and viruses, and even relieving pain. Most of these benefits are tied back to