Tag: means

What It Really Means When You Dream About Snakes

Many times our dreams may seem completely random, or else they’re just some mishmash of events from our waking life mashed up with any movies or TV shows we’re recently seen. Like, you know, that one where you’re riding on a bus with Piglet from the Masked Singer and he takes off his mask and

What It Really Means When You Dream About Bears

If you are a hiker or camper and often have to consider how to keep your food and supplies (and self) safe from bears, then dreaming about bears could simply be a reflection of your anxieties and experiences of your everyday life, much like a student dreaming about failing a test. After all, bears are

What It Really Means When You Dream About A Plane Crash

Dreaming about a situation as chaotic as a plane crash will likely make you ponder your mental state at the time of the dream. Despite their scary and chaotic nature, nightmares do not often reveal anything sinister about your mental health, aside from the fact that they might point to the fact that you are

Here’s What It Means When Your Dream Comes True

You’ve heard the saying “a dream come true” for most of your life but have never actually taken it literally. It typically has a figurative meaning and refers to something you’ve wanted in your fantasies but never really believed could become a reality. But some people really find that dreams they have while they sleep

Researchers first to develop comprehensive models of ‘seeds and soil’ as a means to combat breast cancer metastasis

Scientists at VCU Massey Cancer Center have identified key biological pathways that regulate the spread of tumor cells to vital organs. These findings may have a significant influence on the development of new therapies that slow or prevent breast cancer metastasis. Metastasis refers to the spread of cancer cells to other organs, and the likelihood

Bloody show: What it means and what to expect

Vaginal discharge is a common symptom throughout pregnancy. Fluctuations in a woman’s hormone levels can cause changes in the consistency, amount, and appearance of vaginal discharge. Women should monitor their vaginal discharge throughout their pregnancy. This is especially important during the last few weeks before their due date. Not only is bloody show a normal

Climate Change Means More Deadly Heat Waves: Study

TUESDAY, July 31, 2018 — As the northern hemisphere is struck by one deadly heat wave after another this summer, new research suggests things are only going to get worse. Climate change is triggering record high temperatures. And extreme heat has been blamed for hundreds of deaths, while dangerous wildfires have raced through neighborhoods in

Scientists found means to inhibit capillary leakage in sepsis

Leakage from the blood capillaries is a key mechanism leading to septic shock and multiorgan failure, which affect millions of patients annually worldwide. However, there is no effective way to inhibit the vessel leakiness. A new study by scientists at the University of Helsinki and Wihuri Research Institute demonstrates that vascular leakage can be inhibited

Uptick in vector-borne illnesses in US and what it means to you

Illnesses caused by disease-infected ticks, mosquitoes and fleas have tripled in the U.S. in recent years, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Lyme disease is the most common illness attributed to ticks. “It’s the most common vector-borne disease in the Northern Hemisphere and in North America, in