Tag: Nutrition

To determine your Body Mass Index

With the BMI calculator, you can check whether your body weight is in the normal range. The world health organization (WHO) divides the BMI values of adults, roughly, into different weight classes. BMI table (classification according to the WHO) Category BMI Under weight less than 18.5 Normal weight 18,5 – 24,9 Overweight 25 – 29,9

Nutrition educators identify barriers to physical activity and propose strategies to overcome them

Throughout its fifty years of publication, the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (JNEB) has recognized the importance of physical activity as a key behavior helpful to achieving a healthy lifestyle. The November/December issue’s theme of physical activity highlights recent research on designing, delivering, and measuring physical activity programs for different audiences. “Challenges to beginning

The quality of protein supplements for athletes

Powdered protein supplements are one of the most commonly consumed nutritional supplements, whether by professional athletes or amateurs, even by those who use them for aesthetic purposes instead of sporting ones. This study, led by a researcher from the Area of Human Motility and Sporting Performance at the University of Seville, has analysed the quality

Rethinking a healthy diet from a global perspective: Presented at a hotline session at the European Society of Cardiology Congress

Recommendations for a high quality diet to avoid cardiovascular disease were developed in high-income countries two to three decades ago. They don’t consider other parts of the world or how diets have changed. Now scientists of the Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) of McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences are using research from several large

Saliva could influence taste preferences

Saliva is crucial for tasting and digesting food, but scientists have now found that it may have another, more subtle role. Salivary proteins could be part of a feedback loop that influences how food tastes to people — and by extension, what foods they’re willing to eat. The researchers hope that, one day, their findings

Lipid droplets play crucial roles beyond fat storage

Lipid droplets: they were long thought of merely as the formless blobs of fat out of which spare tires and muffin tops were made. But these days, they’re “a really hot area of research,” says Michael Welte, professor and chair of biology at the University of Rochester. That’s in part because lipid droplets have been

Policy changes can help ease roadblocks to a healthy diet: Review examines factors that influence diet and strategies that can lead to improvement

Diet modification can be a vital step to prevent cardiovascular disease. While various biological, economical, physical, social and psychological factors influence food choices, interventions targeting these factors can lead to meaningful improvements in long-term eating habits, according to a review paper published today in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Research has consistently

This May Be The Secret To Feeling Younger And Living Longer

There are three constants in life: death, taxes and ageing (for all of us except J-Lo, obvs). But according to new research, there could be a way to stay young forever… Feel in control.  Jennifer Bellingtier, a postdoctoral psychology researcher at Friedrich Schiller University in Germany followed 116 adults aged 60-90 and 106 adults aged

What Happens To The Body When Your Diet Derails At The Weekend

Chances are, if you’re Googling ‘what to do if you break your diet’, your health plans derailed a bit. You’re only human. First things first, it’s important to remember life is about balance, and so a weekend spent eating your very favourite food really isn’t the end of the world. In fact, it’s good for the soul.

Forget Carrots, There's A New Superfood For Your Eyes

A brand new study of over 2000 Australians has discovered that those who eat oranges on the regular have a 60 per cent less chance of developing macular degeneration. “Essentially we found that people who eat at least one serve of orange every day have a reduced risk of developing macular degeneration compared with people who never

Games boost student nutrition in Nigerian schools

The worsening of dietary habits among youth appears to have no geographical bounds. And improving dietary behaviour has become a critical public health challenge around the globe. This is especially true in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where we have seen a rapid transition from wholesome traditional diets to a more Western diet consisting

Multivitamins do not promote cardiovascular health

Taking multivitamin and mineral supplements does not prevent heart attacks, strokes or cardiovascular death, according to a new analysis of 18 studies published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, an American Heart Association journal. “We meticulously evaluated the body of scientific evidence,” said study lead author Joonseok Kim, M.D., assistant professor of cardiology in the