Tag: Prescriptions

Hundreds are paying for private medical cannabis prescriptions

‘Hundreds’ of epilepsy and MS patients are paying up to £800 a month for private medicinal cannabis because ‘nothing has changed’ since health chiefs made them legal on the NHS Specialist doctors can prescribe unlicensed marijuana containing THC  There is thought to have been very few, if any, prescription on the NHS  NICE ruled cannabis

As doctors taper or end opioid prescriptions, many patients driven to despair, suicide

Treating America’s Pain: Unintended Victims of the Opioid Crackdown, Part 1 – The Suicides The national opioid crisis propelled a crackdown on prescription painkillers, causing hundreds of doctors to abruptly reduce or completely cut off their patients’ prescriptions, leaving many among the estimated 20 million Americans who suffer from daily debilitating chronic pain to consider

9 old age health problems that can strike young people

There are diseases or problems we tend to associate with older people but unfortunately, they can happen at any time. Here’s what to be aware of… Arthritis It’s a common misconception that arthritis is an old person’s disease. While osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear, and therefore most common among those over 65, rheumatoid

The war on drugs is a fight we just can’t win, says Miriam Stoppard

To my mind, criminalisation of illegal drugs is inhumane and counterproductive. The “war on drugs” hasn’t and doesn’t work. It’s high time we shifted our focus from criminal punishment to ­public health. If this offends your ideology I should tell you that the Royal College of ­Physicians, the British Medical ­Association, The British Medical Journal