Tag: prognosis

Twofold Increased ALS Risk in Manual Laborers

Blue-collar workers, particularly carpenters and construction workers, have a significantly increased risk for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) compared with white-collar workers, new research shows. Investigators found manual laborers had a twofold increased risk for the fatal neurodegenerative disease, possibly because of the intense or sustained physical effort these jobs require. “Our study provides evidence that

Black Patients With Sarcoidosis Have More Systemic, CV Disease

Black patients diagnosed by dermatologists with cutaneous sarcoidosis were significantly more likely to have unrecognized systemic organ involvement than were non-Black patients, according to a retrospective chart review of patients seen at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, both in Boston. Black patients were also significantly more likely to have two or more

Taking uncertainty out of cancer prognosis

A cancer diagnosis tells you that you have cancer, but how that cancer will progress is a terrifying uncertainty for most patients. Researchers at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) have now identified a specific class of biomarkers that can tell a lot about how aggressive a patient’s cancer will be. “There are undoubtedly dozens or