Tag: sleeping

Tired All The Time? This Surprising Habit Could Be To Blame

You’ve had a full eight hours and still woken up feeling like a two-litre jug of coffee wouldn’t cut it. Sound familiar? You may be one of the 8 percent of adults suffering from bruxism. Commonly known as teeth grinding, bruxism can significantly impact our sleeping patterns and be harmful to our health. “The whole

Functional MRI reveals memory in sleeping toddlers

Our ability to remember past events develops rapidly in the first couple of years of life, but it’s not clear exactly how this happens. Researchers at the Center for Mind and Brain at the University of California, Davis have now been able to carry out functional MRI brain scans of sleeping toddlers, and show for

Antifungal drug eliminates sleeping bowel cancer cells in mice

An antifungal medication, commonly prescribed for toenail infections, could help eliminate dormant cells within bowel tumours, according to new research funded by Cancer Research UK and published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine today. Researchers at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute have shown in laboratory studies in mice, that itraconazole effectively halts the growth