Tag: Took

DR MAX THE MIND DOCTOR: It's time the NHS took insomnia seriously

DR MAX THE MIND DOCTOR: Insomnia destroys lives – it’s time the NHS took it seriously There is a condition that affects millions of people, ruining their ability to work and to form relationships, while dramatically shortening their life expectancy. Yet despite it being so common and so debilitating, most sufferers seeking help from their

Teenager with TWO vaginas says it took doctors eight years to spot

Teenager with TWO vaginas, wombs and cervixes says it took doctors eight years to spot her unusual anatomy after they repeatedly dismissed her excruciating period pains Molly-Rose Taylor, 19, from Gillingham, was diagnosed with uterus didelphys  For years medics failed to spot the 2cm-thick wall of tissue dividing her vagina  Two periods caused the nanny excruciating period