Tag: tracks

Study tracks the spread of COVID-19 in Sweden

During the pandemic, the free COVID Symptom Study app has helped researchers understand the complexity and spread of the corona virus better. “The study has exceeded our expectations since its launch in Sweden in April 2020. Participants from all over Sweden got involved and many of them have spent one minute every day answering questions

Team tracks integrin’s role in lung function

Beta-1 integrin, a critical component of epithelial extracellular matrix receptors, is essential for normal lung function in adulthood, researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center have discovered. In a mouse model, deleting the gene for beta-1 integrin from the epithelial cells lining the alveoli of the adult lung, where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide

Stopping a tiny—and deadly—fly in its tracks

Sixty million people in sub-Saharan Africa live at risk of African sleeping sickness, a disease caused by parasites transmitted through the tsetse fly. In the late stage of the disease, when the parasite crosses the blood-brain barrier, the results are oftentimes fatal. Brigham Young University chemistry professor Ken Christensen, students and collaborators at Clemson University