Tag: weight loss

Common weight-loss drug successfully targets fat that can endanger heart health

Researchers at UT Southwestern announced successful results of a clinical trial for a commonly prescribed weight-loss drug called liraglutide. In adults who are overweight or have obesity combined with high cardiovascular risk, once-daily liraglutide combined with lifestyle interventions significantly lowered two types of fat that have been associated with risk to heart health: visceral fat

Is Pineapple Good For Weight Loss? Nutritionists Weigh In

If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s smart to load up on fruits and veggies. But there’s one fruit that keeps coming up as being especially good for weight loss: pineapple. Pineapple has been a so-called weight loss fruit since, well, practically forever. Some people swear by mixing it with cottage cheese for fat-burning benefits,

What Is Fenugreek, And Does It Help With Weight Loss?

If you find that changing up your diet and exercise routine isn’t getting you to 100 percent of your weight-loss goals, it’s understandable that you might at least want to see what kind of naturopathic options are out there. And there’s ingredient you’ll see come up a lot in that search: fenugreek. Fenugreek (pronounced “feh-nyuh-greek”)

Fit-for-Fertility Program Boosts Births, Is Cost-Effective

Incorporation of a nonintensive fitness intervention for women with obesity into a standard fertility treatment program could be cost-effective, a new analysis finds. Financial data for the Canadian Fit-for-Fertility program were presented March 20 at the virtual ENDO 2021: The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting by Matea Belan, PhD, of the division of endocrinology at the University

Fit-for-Fertility Program Boosts Births, Is Cost-Effective

Incorporation of a nonintensive fitness intervention for women with obesity into a standard fertility treatment program could be cost-effective, a new analysis finds. Financial data for the Canadian Fit-for-Fertility program were presented March 20 at the virtual ENDO 2021: The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting by Matea Belan, PhD, of the division of endocrinology at the University