Food recall: net Sandwich calls – Possible health risk

Recall: The fresh company GmbH calls “Take Away” Sandwich “ham & Gouda“ 185g to long-excellent date of minimum durability back

From the net markets in Germany, according to the manufacturer, &#8222 is;from Vorsorgegründen“ Sandwiches of the „fresh company GmbH“ called back. This is the article: “ham & Gouda“ (185 g). According To The Company, „it can not be excluded that this article with the wrong date of minimum durability 25.05.2019 wurde&#8220 excellent;. This means that consumers might think that the article should be preserved, and subsequent time consume, but disease-causing pathogens, contains, and so eg. Diarrhea.

Incorrectly declared the date of minimum durability

The „guaranteed minimum shelf-life of Sandwiches, “ham & Gouda“ was the 24.04.2019. Up to this date, the safe properties are guaranteed. After the 24.04.2019 consumers should not eat the sandwiches.

Caution in the case of shelf-life of meat, eggs and dairy products

Special caution is always valid in the case of eggs and dairy products. However, these Goods are not disposed of immediately, if the minimum durability date is passed for a short time. Hardly anyone knows that yoghurts are, in many cases, up to three weeks after the expiry of a specified date continues to be edible. This is also true for Cheese – especially hard cheese, is also usually at least two weeks longer edible. Has already formed mold, or has changed the color, should also be these foods are disposed of.

Even sausage and meat is often longer than specified, however, consumers in the sausage and meat were a little more careful, because there bacteria, which can lead to diarrhea. Raw meat such as minced meat should be stored not longer than a day in the fridge, if it is eaten in raw form. The meat has changed its color, it looks greasy and smells slightly of decay.

Panic is inappropriate

In the case of the net Sandwich in the company fresh company GmbH, however, precautions should be observed, even if exaggerated reporting in this context at the time to mislead consumers. Thus, a Munich-based daily newspaper, ran a headline that the Sandwiches „tödlich“ could be. This is of course nonsense, as long as the consumers consume the sandwiches are not up to the 25.05.2019, but only up to the 24.04.2019. In addition, the fresh company GmbH and net have responded immediately and the goods from the sale. Other minimum shelf life, other varieties of “Take Away” Sandwich as well as other articles in the fresh company GmbH are not affected by this Information.

Refund of the purchase price guaranteed

Customers who have purchased the appropriate product, able to give it to for a refund of the purchase price, even without presentation of the receipts in your shopping sites. In addition, consumers are requests under the free Hotline 0800-2000015 (Monday to Saturday, 06:00 – 22:30 PM) answered.

At the time, many of the products from the trade to be called back. So parents, this toy should not give your small children to avoid danger of suffocation. A baby rocker can lead in the worst case, to death. Aldi recalls currently a sausage due to bacteria. (sb)