Tag: Crimean-Congo Fever Virus

Dangerous Hyalomma tick, moved to the now also increasingly in Germany

Dangerous Hyalomma tick in Schleswig-Holstein demonstrated In Schleswig-Holstein, the dangerous Hyalomma has been proven-tick – in the Winter! This tick species is actually native to southern climes. The blood-suckers can transmit, among other things, the life threatening Crimean-Congo fever Virus. Non-native tick species found In the past few months, health experts have reported increasingly facing

Big risk by Vectors: sub-tropical tick species spreads

Dangerous sub-tropical tick species detected for the first time in Austria In the past few months, health experts have reported increasingly facing a growing danger from ticks. Meanwhile, non-native species on diving here. It has been shown in Austria for the first time, a sub-tropical tick species that can transmit the life-threatening Crimean-Congo fever Virus.