Tag: day

My day on a plate: Joel Creasy

Comedian, Joel Creasy, 27 shares his day on a plate. Joel Creasy 10am Throw out last night's pizza box en route to a cafe for a long black plus avocado, eggs and feta on toast, with a side of hash browns. 11.30am Head to the gym. I have another coffee while I train. 1pm Leave

Trials in Africa support conditional day 3 follow-up for children with fever

Children in sub-Saharan African settings with uncomplicated fever may be safely managed with conditional, rather than universal, 3-day follow-up with a community health worker (CHW), according to two cluster-randomized, community-based non-inferiority trials published this week in PLOS Medicine. The trials, conducted by Luke C. Mullany of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore,

Americans world’s biggest TV addicts, watching four hours a day

The average person around the world spent nearly three hours a day in front their television last year, according to a report released Monday. Eurodata TV Worldwide said that television viewing was holding up despite more and more people watching online platforms like Netflix and Amazon. Americans and Canadians are the biggest TV addicts, said