Tag: digestion

Dietary Guidelines for Pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas is referred to as pancreatitis. The pancreas is a flat tadpole-shaped gland located at the back of the stomach in the upper abdomen; it releases certain enzymes and hormones which help in digestion and aids in regulating sugar metabolism in the body. Pancreatitis may manifest in both severe and acute forms.

Flatulence avoid: tips on the right combination of foods

Cherries eaten or drunk water = stomach ache. So it is game in a well-known children. Many of these food myths are not. According to experts, it is worthwhile to reconsider the combination and the order of the food intake. Abdominal pain, flatulence, impaired absorption of nutrients: There are many tips on what should better

Shift Work Is Messing With Your Digestive Health, Study Says

It’s well established that irregular shift work can wreak havoc on your body clock, but new research has highlighted just how much it can impact your gut function. This is a factor that could play a significant role in your risk of developing a range of metabolic diseases and gastrointestinal disorders. For the laboratory-controlled, simulated