Tag: Eight

At eight months, babies already know their grammar

Even before uttering their first words, babies master the grammar basics of their mother tongue. Thus, eight-month-old French infants can distinguish function words, or functors—e.g., articles (the), personal pronouns (she), or prepositions (on)—from content words—e.g., nouns (rainbow), verbs (to drive), or adjectives (green). Functors are frequently encountered because there are fewer of them, and they

Eight tips for promoting men’s health

With November comes Movember, putting the spotlight on men’s health, and UBC nursing professor John Oliffe has a few tips that can help ensure the success of men’s health programs. He recently led a study that reviewed community-based programs in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, U.K., the U.S. and other regions to see what worked and

Teenager with TWO vaginas says it took doctors eight years to spot

Teenager with TWO vaginas, wombs and cervixes says it took doctors eight years to spot her unusual anatomy after they repeatedly dismissed her excruciating period pains Molly-Rose Taylor, 19, from Gillingham, was diagnosed with uterus didelphys  For years medics failed to spot the 2cm-thick wall of tissue dividing her vagina  Two periods caused the nanny excruciating period

Eight of ten people with cancer risk genes don’t know it

Genomic screening of more than 50,000 people shows that more than 80% of those who carry an identifiable genetic risk for breast, ovarian, prostate, and pancreatic cancer don’t know it despite frequent interaction with the healthcare system. The findings were published Sept. 21 in the journal JAMA Network Open. In the absence of routine screening,