Tag: failure

Home-delivered meals keep heart failure patients out of hospital

The delivery of personalized, low-sodium meals to the homes of heart failure patients just out of the hospital has the potential to help them avoid rehospitalization in the days ahead, a new study shows. Poor nutrition and excessive sodium consumption are common among patients with heart failure and are thought to contribute to their hospitalizations.

Death rates from heart failure higher for women than men

Death rates from heart failure are higher for women than men, and hospitalization rates have increased in women while declining in men, found a study from the University of Ottawa Heart Institute published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). “This is the first of a series of studies to examine the sex differences in heart

Targeting ‘microtubules’ could prevent heart failure

One of the most common causes of congestive heart failure is “stiff heart syndrome.” According to Dr. Jerry Sokol — a cardiologist in Deer Park, NY — this causes fluid to build up and back up into the lungs. This occurs “usually in patients older than age 60,” he says. At the microcellular level, they

Clues found to early lung transplant failure

Among organ transplant patients, those receiving new lungs face a higher rate of organ failure and death compared with people undergoing heart, kidney and liver transplants. One of the culprits is inflammation that damages the newly transplanted lung. Now, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Northwestern University Feinberg School of