Tag: healthy snacks

7 Healthy Snacks That Will Tame Your Appetite

Snacking, in its essence, is supposed to fill you up. Unfortunately that’s not always the case—that full stack of Pringles that you demolished may leave you wanting more. Some foods are naturally superior when it comes to helping you eat less because of the specific nutrients they contain, the form you eat them in, or

7 High-Protein Snacks That Will Help You Build Muscle

If you want stronger muscles, lifting weights is a good place to start—but your diet makes a huge impact on your gains, too. That’s where protein comes in: the essential macronutrient helps repair the tiny tears strength training creates in your muscles, helping them grow faster. But while loading up on eggs at breakfast and chowing down on chicken

This Is Exactly How Many Nuts You Should Be Eating Daily

Be it walnuts, pistachios, brazil nuts or almonds, the humble nut always seems to score a mention when superfoods are concerned – and with good reason.  Not only are they packed with nutrients, vitamins and rich in fibre and omega-3’s, they also boast a heap of health benefits (cholesterol-lowering! Blood sugar-balancing! Digestive aid!) to name

14 Easy Swaps To Make All Your Meals Healthier

In Genius Foods, my book with coauthor Paul Grewal, M.D., you’ll find an eating plan that’s both nutritious and delicious. Make these easy swaps and watch your weight drop, your brainpower surge, and your tastebuds rejoice. On your salad Shake on …Salted pistachios to take in heart-healthy fats with a satisfying crunch. Not:Croutons. Many packaged