Tag: osteoarthritis

Gene that protects against osteoarthritis identified

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common problems associated with aging, and although there are therapies to treat the pain that results from the breakdown of the cartilage that cushions joints, there are no available therapies to modify the course of the disease. However, working in a mouse model of the disorder, researchers at Washington

Injection molding and mirrors on the knee often ineffective

Often used syringes and reflections in knee pain according to a study, often ineffective. For the “fact check healthcare” of the Bertelsmann Foundation, the Harding center for Risk literacy at the Max-Planck-Institute in Berlin analyzed the current reports. Joint reflections, hyaluronic acid and Corticosteroid injections showed accordingly, in the case of osteoarthritis, only a very

Turmeric: Miracle Spice or Herbal Myth?

All of a sudden, this yellow stuff is everywhere. It’s being stirred into your smoothies and heaped into products at your favorite health-food store. It’s in every hot recipe from curries to cocktails. But this herb is certainly not new. So what’s the deal with turmeric as a health trend? Turmeric (also known as curcuma longa) is a

Get off the golf cart if you have knee osteoarthritis

From presidents to retirees, more than 17 million people over the age of 50 golf regularly. Knee osteoarthritis, which causes swelling, pain and difficulty moving the joint, is one of the leading causes of disability in this age group. It may seem intuitive that golfers with knee osteoarthritis should stay off their feet and ride