Tag: partners

Women's miscarriage risks may double if partners smoke weed often

Women’s miscarriage risks DOUBLE when their partners smoke weed more than once a week, study suggests About 37 million Americans use marijuana, including a growing number of pregnant women – despite doctors’ warnings not to  Research on the fertility and fetal health effects of pot has yielded mix results   Boston University researchers found that when

Problematic smartphone use linked to poorer grades, alcohol misuse and more sexual partners

A survey of more than 3,400 university students in the U.S. has found that one in five respondents reported problematic smartphone use. Female students were more likely be affected and problematic smartphone use was associated with lower grade averages, mental health problems and higher numbers of sexual partners. Smartphones offer the potential of instant, round-the-clock

Woman has anaphylactic shock after swallowing her partner’s SEMEN

Woman, 31, with severe allergy to penicillin goes into anaphylactic shock after swallowing her partner’s SEMEN ‘because he had taken a course of the antibiotic’ The unidentified woman began to vomit and struggle to breathe after fellatio The woman, from Spain, went to hospital with a suspected anaphylactic shock  She revealed she had an allergy

Study links men’s porn-watching to women’s eating disorders

Women whose male partners watch more porn are at greater risk of eating disorders because they feel ‘sexless and insecure in their bodies,’ study suggests Some 30 million Americans have anorexia, bulemia, anorexia or over-eating  These disorders disproportionately impact women  Risk factors include social pressures and feelings of inadequacy  An Ohio State University survey found that