Tag: purpose

How the brain forgets on purpose

Researchers from Ruhr-Universität Bochum and the University Hospital of Gießen and Marburg, in collaboration with colleagues from Bonn, the Netherlands, and the UK, have analysed what happens in the brain when humans want to voluntarily forget something. They identified two areas of the brain – the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus – whose activity patterns

Chloride blood test: Procedure, purpose, and level results

Most people will not be aware that they have hyperchloremia because the symptoms are almost impossible to identify. Doctors often discover the condition from a chloride blood test, which is part of a routine blood screening to monitor or diagnose electrolyte levels. A doctor might do these tests if they suspect a person has any

How boredom helped me find purpose in my life

I'm bored, I wrote. Bored of the endless stretching of featureless time, bored from the loneliness and the lack of mental stimulation. For a year, I had floundered in the sluggish dragging of time, working as a waitress to make ends meet, freelance writing (averagely) on the side, broke and desperately lonely, unsure of how