A growing number of drugs are being approved on the basis of indirect (‘surrogate’) measures that do not always reliably predict outcomes that matter most to patients, such as living longer or feeling better. In The BMJ today, experts argue that surrogate endpoints provide no guarantee of clinical benefit and should be used only as
MONDAY, Oct. 5, 2020 — There’s a link between attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), financial stress and suicide risk, a new study suggests. Researchers analyzed data on ADHD and suicide in Sweden from 2002 to 2015, as well as credit and default data from a random sample of more than 189,000 Swedish adults for the same
Severe asthma attacks in pregnancy make babies more likely to have birth defects, study warns Researchers in Canada studied data covering more than 100,000 births They found the risk of the deadly complication pre-eclampsia rose by 30% Pregnant women may stop medicating asthma out of fear it will harm their baby But experts said the
Breastfed babies may face more than DOUBLE the risk of developing food allergies ‘because of their delayed introduction to potential triggers’ Japanese scientists analysed how more than 46,000 infants were fed Exclusively breastfed babies were more than twice as at risk, the study found Infants may develop allergies if they are not exposed to foods
While most of us know Maggie Gyllenhaal from her roles in Mona Lisa Smile, The Dark Knight, or her most recent TV endeavor The Deuce, she is also the Brooklyn mom that I aspire to be. At an event hosted by LensCrafters on Wednesday, SheKnows had the opportunity to sit down with Gyllenhaal to talk
Pregnant women with type 2 diabetes ‘are up to FIVE TIMES more likely to suffer the heartbreak of a stillbirth’ Women with diabetes are more than four times as likely to have a stillbirth Type 2 diabetes is a bigger risk for unborn babies than type 1, a study found Around four million people in
Living in a polluted and busy area could raise your risk of old-age depression by a third, study finds People aged 50 and over had worse mental health if they lived in polluted areas They rated pollution and other neighbourhood nuisances in a European study Scientists blame toxic air causing inflammation and noise causing distress
Dear Mayo Clinic: My daughter and her friends are all talking about going to a tanning bed. I suggested to my daughter that she get a spray tan instead, but I don’t think I’ve convinced her since she’s under the impression that tanning beds are somewhat safe. Is there any kind of tanning bed that
Mother with incurable breast cancer is forced to raise £1,000 each month for a drug not available on the NHS because she ‘is not ready’ to say goodbye to her three children Lesley Kennedy, of Belfast, is now taking palbociclib to keep her alive for longer It is hailed as the ‘closest thing to a
(HealthDay)—For reasons that aren’t yet clear, people who battle PTSD may also be at heightened risk for the common heart rhythm disorder atrial fibrillation, researchers report. It’s the first time a connection has been made between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and “A-fib,” which typically arises with age and is the most common type of heart
If you’ve ever had a mild concussion, your risk of developing Parkinson’s disease goes up by 56 percent, a new study of more than 300,000 U.S. veterans suggests. “Upwards of 40 percent of adults have had a traumatic brain injury [concussion], so these findings are definitely concerning,” said study author Dr. Raquel Gardner. She is
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