Tag: Resource Shortage

Migration can promote or inhibit cooperation between individuals: Mathematical model sheds new light on conflict between group interests and individual interests

A new mathematical analysis suggests that migration can generate patterns in the spatial distribution of individuals that promote cooperation and allow populations to thrive, in spite of the threat of exploitation. Felix Funk and Christoph Hauert of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, present these findings in PLOS Computational Biology. Cooperation between individuals is necessary

Study identifies better, cheaper ways to stem arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh: Some solutions are 100 times cheaper than others, costing as little as $1 per person

In what has been called “the largest mass poisoning of a population in history,” some 40 million people in Bangladesh are drinking water that contains unsafe levels of arsenic. The naturally occurring element seeps into groundwater reached by shallow wells, and from there it has a huge impact on the health and lives of Bangladeshis;