Tag: skin

Boy, five, with ‘butterfly skin’ suffers ‘third-degree burns’

Boy, five, with ‘butterfly skin’ suffers ‘third-degree burns that require morphine every time he bumps his skin’ Jamie Cockeram has recessive epidermolysis dystrophic bullosa Slightest graze leaves him with ‘deep wounds likened to third degree burns’ Pain means he is dependent on morphine and a wheelchair to get about  A five-year-old boy with ‘butterfly skin’ suffers ‘third-degree

Q&A: Tanning beds raise risk for skin cancer

Dear Mayo Clinic: My daughter and her friends are all talking about going to a tanning bed. I suggested to my daughter that she get a spray tan instead, but I don’t think I’ve convinced her since she’s under the impression that tanning beds are somewhat safe. Is there any kind of tanning bed that

A new way of diagnosing and treating disease—without cutting skin

University of British Columbia researchers have developed a specialized microscope that has the potential ability to both diagnose diseases that include skin cancer and perform incredibly precise surgery—all without cutting skin. The researchers describe the technology in a study published today in Science Advances. “Our technology allows us to scan tissue quickly, and when we

The typical scabies symptoms you should all know

Itchy skin disease: scabies should be treated immediately In recent years, a noticeable strong increase in scabies cases. The trigger for the infection of the skin, the Krätzmilbe. Who suffers from certain symptoms, you should promptly consult a doctor. Burning of the skin and unbearable itching are the Symptoms. Infectious disease was considered to be

Therefore, the Removal of pubic hair is a health risk

What are the dangers of the Trim of the pubic area? The Removal of pubic hair is today for men and women for the daily Ritual in the shower. Either the hair will be trimmed in the pubic area or completely removed. However, Doctors warn: The pubic hair removal carries some risks for the health.

Skin diseases study uses crowdsourcing to gather data

In 1906, English statistician Francis Galton happened to visit a livestock fair where fairgoers were invited to guess the dressed weight of an ox scheduled for imminent slaughter. Some 800 attendees took part and afterwards Galton got hold of the contest data. This episode, which Galton reported in Nature, has become subject to popular retellings,

Eczema: Great success in severe disease with new therapy achieved

New treatment option against eczema successfully tested Atopic diseases is a chronic skin, their dissemination has increased significantly in recent decades. Although mild forms of the disease today is often a relatively good external treatments to get a grip, but in the case of severe eczema little hope for those Affected at this stage. However,

Neurodermatitis: this new therapy is severe itching stop

New treatment option against eczema successfully tested Atopic diseases is a chronic skin, their dissemination has increased significantly in recent decades. Although mild forms of the disease today is often a relatively good external treatments to get a grip, but in the case of severe eczema little hope for those Affected at this stage. However,

You can apply Vitamin D on the skin?

Can Vitamin D absorbed through the skin? Vitamin D is often taken as a dietary Supplement, in the Form of capsules or Oil, or is administered by injection. You could apply Vitamin D3 in the Form of a cream on the skin? Can Vitamin D be absorbed through the skin? Vitamin D is a fat-soluble

5 Tips For Managing Eczema As The Weather Heats Up

All hot and bothered. And itchy. For people with eczema, summer doesn’t just mean beautiful beach spent weekends, it also means finding ways to manage the most common trigger for eczema, heat. How can warm weather trigger eczema? Warm skin is itchy skin. Heat at the skin’s surface feels prickly can our response is to

A fully human system to cultivate skin cells for grafting

Breakthrough study to culture human skin cells called keratinocytes to produce skin grafts has been published by a team of researchers from Duke-NUS Medical School and the Singapore General Hospital (SGH). This method is the first to use a specific type of tissue-proteins known as laminins, found in the human body, to create a safer

Mouse and human skin cells produce melanin on a 48-hour cycle

Researchers have discovered that mouse skin and skin cells from humans produce pigmentation in response to sunlight on a 48-hour cycle. They observed that exposing skin to ultraviolet light every 2 days yielded darker pigmentation with less radiation damage than daily exposure. The findings appear October 25 in the journal Molecular Cell. “The damaging effects