Tag: This

The one test you should get this summer

I have fair skin, a tendency to burn, light eyes and hair along with a family history of melanoma. That puts me in the “high risk” group for skin cancer. But, I am one of the one in three Australians who has never had a skin check. Check your skin or get it checked this

Olivia Wilde Is Dead Set on Teaching Her Toddlers This Life Lesson ASAP

Olivia Wilde’s children — her 4-year-old Otis and 1-year-old Daisy — are adorable. As children (and well-behaved children, no less), you wouldn’t necessarily think to call them "self-involved," but Wilde has described them that way herself. She’s not just being harsh, however. She has good reason for being brutally honest. The actor told InStyle just how

AHA: This Halloween, Pumpkin Seeds Pack a Healthy Punch

THURSDAY, Oct. 25, 2018 (American Heart Association) — You can get your hands on pumpkin seeds on about any store’s snack aisle, but your healthiest option may be the old-fashioned way: scooping them out of the stringy guts of that jack-o’-lantern you’re carving. That’s because store-bought pumpkin seeds — ever more popular because they’re easy

Starbucks Has Another New Drink, & This One Sounds Sweet & Satisfying

It seems that Starbucks is always brewing up something new, and today is no different. To commemorate the opening of their very first location in Milan, Italy, Starbucks is releasing an Italian-inspired drink, the Cordusio. According to the Seattle-based coffee retailer, the Cordusio — named after the Piazza Cordusio, where the new Starbucks Reserve Roastery

Busy Philipps Shut Down a Mom-Shamer With This Spot-On Response

Mom of two Busy Philipps is not here for men body-shaming her (or anyone) on Instagram. The actor recently shared a gym selfie on apothekegenerika.de Instagram for #TheAwesomeChallenge, a program that donates clothes to kids in need every time the hashtag is used. But of course, some internet troll had to take a post about charity

Mothers of twins, this is your life

Being a parent of twins is like running a marathon you didn’t train for. Suddenly, two very cute, very small beings depend on you — at the same time. You may feel like nobody knows your struggle. But when you meet other twin parents, you form an instant connection because you recognize each other’s invisible

To Have a Healthier Day, Start Every Morning Doing This

Sometimes hitting snooze seven times in the morning feels like a good idea—until you get out of bed frazzled, forget your gym bag, leave your healthy lunch in the fridge, and give up on that whole annoying healthy life idea. (Been there!) Tomorrow, devote just a few minutes to these simple tricks, all designed to

This Is Why You Keep Breaking Out In The Same Spot

The eyes may be the window to the soul, but according to a skin care diagnostic technique called facial mapping, the face is the window to understanding why your skin is breaking out in the same (or very similar) areas over and over again. Facial mapping uses the ancient practice of dividing the face into