It’s early, but the current flu season is shaping up to be gentler than last winter’s unusually brutal one, U.S. health officials said. In most parts of the country, most illnesses right now are being caused by a flu strain that leads to fewer hospitalizations and deaths as the kind of flu that dominated a
I have fair skin, a tendency to burn, light eyes and hair along with a family history of melanoma. That puts me in the “high risk” group for skin cancer. But, I am one of the one in three Australians who has never had a skin check. Check your skin or get it checked this
One in ten children feel lonely, with youngsters who get free school meals, and live in big cities more likely to be unhappy, study finds Other triggers for loneliness include moving school, bullying and illness The study follows Theresa May’s campaign to ‘end loneliness in our lifetimes’ Schools were warned that punishments like detention can
Nine in ten English adults have at least one unhealthy trait linked to an early death, such as drinking too much alcohol, smoking, or eating a poor diet, reveals NHS survey Almost 90 per cent of adults in England have an unhealthy lifestyle which is increasing their risk of dying young. A survey found just
Tim Landis was a healthy 66-year-old who hiked, biked and jogged, wasn’t overweight and watched what he ate. But after he died suddenly of a heart attack in January, tests revealed years of untreated high blood pressure that caused cardiovascular disease. At his annual physicals, Tim’s systolic blood pressure (the top number) was usually in
Lawyer, 34, was given just ONE WEEK to live after her doctor misdiagnosed her leukaemia as a GUM INFECTION Jenna Ostrowski, 34, was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia last year Her doctor missed the signs but, luckily, she went private for tests the next day Medics said she could have been dead a week later
Helping residents become more physically fit may not just be a walk in a park, it could also be a walk to a park, according to a team of Penn State researchers. In a study, the researchers found that small improvements to a city’s ParkScore—an evaluation of a city’s park system—could lead to more physical
The grass is always greener, right? If you have curly hair, you wish you had straight; if you’re tall, you want to be short, and vice versa. Influencer Desiree Fortin is proving this pattern also applies to postpartum stretch marks. In a recent Instagram post, Fortin included this quote: “For every woman unhappy with her postpartum marks, there is
(HealthDay)—Unrestricted diets are acceptable more than one day before colonoscopy among patients using a split-dose bowel regimen, according to a study published in the October issue of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Anna M. Leszczynski, M.D., from the Boston University Medical Center, and colleagues investigated whether fiber and various other foods/macronutrients consumed during the three days before colonoscopy
(HealthDay)—The frequency of acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPDs) in a single year predicts the long-term rate of AECOPDs, according to a study recently published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Kieran J. Rothnie, Ph.D., from Imperial College London, and colleagues examined the natural history of AECOPDs among 99,574
In a study into the sexual orientation and gender identity development of thousands of youth across the nation, a San Diego State University team found that about 1 percent of 9 and 10-year old children surveyed self-identified as gay, bisexual or transgender. As the majority of studies indicate that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
Mononuclear phagocytes can both promote and inhibit inflammation. An LMU team has now shown that individual phagocytes in the central nervous system can play both roles, sequentially adopting different phenotypes with distinct functions. Mononuclear phagocytes, which recognize, engulf and digest damaged and infected cells, form an important arm of the innate immune system. However, they
It seems that Starbucks is always brewing up something new, and today is no different. To commemorate the opening of their very first location in Milan, Italy, Starbucks is releasing an Italian-inspired drink, the Cordusio. According to the Seattle-based coffee retailer, the Cordusio — named after the Piazza Cordusio, where the new Starbucks Reserve Roastery
Oranges really are the only fruit: Eating just ONE a day reduces people’s risk of blindness by 60% due to the citrus’ high antioxidant levels, study finds Oranges reduce people’s risk of developing age-related macular degeneration Due to ‘powerful antioxidants’ called flavonoids being anti-inflammatory Although flavonoids are in all fruit and vegetables, only oranges have
Sophie Gray’s Instagram feed is a haven of body positivity and self acceptance, but it wasn’t always this way – the former personal trainer gained a ha-uge number of devoted fans posting #fitspo snaps and ripped ab selfies. And it was this evolution that saw her followers drop from 430,000 to 367,000. “This is not
When an international super model dishes out beauty advice, you bloody well eat it up, especially when it’s Aussie super-mum and wellness-guru Miranda Kerr. The 34-year-old has dished on the one ingredient she swears by for healthy, glowing skin: Noni extract. Thanks for having me @sephora SDCA #koraorganics #noniglow A post shared by Miranda (@mirandakerr)
While our common perception of celebrities is to think of them as flawless beings who have never had to deal with a rogue pimple in their life, the reality is they’re just like us and suffer through bad skin too, sometimes even worse thanks to the heavy makeup they need to wear for work and
First things first: If you’re looking for a science-backed method of repelling mosquitoes, you don’t need to shy away from synthetic repellents such as DEET and picaridin. DEET in particular has been widely used for decades, and studies show it protects against mosquitoes and ticks carrying malaria, West Nile virus, Zika virus, and Lyme, according
A new CAMH and Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) study shows that people with schizophrenia account for more than 1 in 10 cases of suicide in Ontario, and that young people are disproportionately affected. “Among people who died by suicide, having a diagnosis of schizophrenia is clearly over-represented,” says Dr. Juveria Zaheer, first author
EMBL researchers have designed a computational method to jointly analyse multiple types of molecular data from patients in order to identify molecular signatures that distinguish individuals. The method is called Multi-Omics Factor Analysis (MOFA), and was published in Molecular Systems Biology today. MOFA could be particularly useful for understanding cancer development, improving diagnosis and suggesting
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