Scientists have discovered that the absence of a specific protein in cells lining the esophagus may cause inflammation and tissue damage in people with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). EoE affects as many as 150,000 people in the United States, many of whom are children. People with EoE experience difficult or painful swallowing, vomiting and nutritional problems
A drug that reduces delirium in postoperative patients may work by preventing the overactivity of certain receptors in brain cells, according to a new study published in the Online First edition of Anesthesiology, the peer-reviewed medical journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). The researchers say the findings could lead to more widespread use
There is a link between higher serum vitamin D levels and lower plasma cholesterol levels in primary school children, new research from the University of Eastern Finland shows. Children whose serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels exceeded 80 nmol/l had lower plasma total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels than children whose serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were
A new study from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found automated phone calls were far more effective than Facebook ads in getting Baltimore City residents to request a smoke alarm through the city’s free installation program. By the end of a campaign that ran in 2014, four hundred and fifty-eight participants who’d
New technologies have been likened, famously, to magic. At first, even the few who understand how they work have a tendency to sit back and marvel. Soon, flaws and limitations are detected and the invention process begins again, resulting, almost always, in improvements. Today a team led by Professor Adam Kepecs at Cold Spring Harbor
Immunotherapy is a form of cancer therapy that boosts the body’s immune system in the fight against tumors. Adoptive cell transfer (ACT), in particular, is a type of immunotherapy that strengthens a specific kind of immune cell: T cells. In ACT, healthcare professionals collect T cells from the malignant tumor and isolate immune cells that
Interfering with inflammatory signals produced by heart muscle cells might someday provide novel therapeutic strategies for atrial fibrillation, according to an international team of researchers who have published their findings in the journal Circulation. “Atrial fibrillation is the most common heart arrhythmia, and it is particularly observed in the elderly human population, which is growing
Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Brain Science in Japan have discovered that a gene associated with human intellectual ability is necessary for normal memory formation in mice. Published in Nature Neuroscience, the study shows that mice with only one copy of the gene replay shorter fragments of their previous experiences during periods of rest,
Heavy rainfall in Kenya has left a trail of destruction in parts of the country, leading to deaths and rendering roads impassable. Some rivers have burst their banks and dams have overflown for the first time in many years. The heavy rains present an additional danger: a higher chance of outbreaks of Rift Valley fever,
New research presented at this year’s Euroanaesthesia congress in Copenhagen, Denmark, shows that the quality of chest compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can be improved by using either a smartphone app or by using the song “La Macarena” as a mental memory aid. The study is by Professor Enrique Carrero Cardenal and colleagues at the
Women are more prone to the development of autoimmune diseases. The female hormone estrogen is likely to affect the immune system. A team of scientists from Turku Center for Biotechnology and University of Georgia reported new findings related to the involvement of estrogen hormone receptor in autoimmune diseases. The incidence of autoimmune diseases such as
Writing in the June 1 issue of Cell Stem Cell, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine report that a first-in-human phase I clinical trial in which neural stem cells were transplanted into participants with chronic spinal cord injuries produced measurable improvement in three of four subjects, with no serious adverse effects.
I’m not really sure how my coffee addiction even started. As a high-energy kid who used to (literally) run around in circles, I had never even considered it. It wasn’t until I was 19, when a friend handed me a small iced coffee after a late night out, that I even tasted the stuff. I
When a ring forms, a person may have no symptoms. Or, they may have difficulty swallowing, which the medical community calls dysphagia. The difficulty may get worse when a person eats dry bread or meat. Schatzki rings are not cancerous, and they are usually harmless. Changing the diet and patterns of eating can help with
The winds of change are blowing through Chile where a youthful sexual revolution is shattering taboos—but also sparking an explosion of HIV cases that has set off alarm bells in the traditionally conservative Latin American country. Chile has the highest rate of HIV cases in the region—some 5,816 new cases were registered last year, a
Building on two decades of research, investigators at UT Southwestern have determined that “cellular housekeeping” can extend the lifespan and healthspan of mammals. A study jointly led by Drs. Salwa Sebti and Álvaro Fernández, postdoctoral researchers in the Center for Autophagy Research, found that mice with persistently increased levels of autophagy—the process a cell uses
Staying mentally sharp—that’s aging Americans’ highest priority, according to the National Council on Aging. While thousands of clinical trials suggest that exercising the body can protect or improve brain health as we age, few studies provide practical prescriptive guidance for how much and what kind of exercise. Now, an exhaustive systematic review of 4,600 clinical
Some methods of gaining weight can have severe short- and long-term effects on health. This poses a challenge for people needing to gain weight and for those who are at a healthy weight but wish to build muscle. This article explains how to determine whether a person is underweight. It also provides tips for gaining
Our immune system’s arsenal of defenses usually protects us from cancer. But sometimes, cancer cells overwhelm or evade this elaborate defense system. In the lab of biochemist and immunologist Christoph Rader, Ph.D., associate professor at The Scripps Research Institute in Florida, scientists have engineered a new type of anti-cancer antibody, one intended to enhance nature’s
While there is little research supporting the benefits of egg yolks for hair, there are many websites dedicated to natural beauty remedies for the hair and scalp, including eggs. Read on for more information about what people say about benefits of egg yolks for healing the hair. What benefits do egg yolks offer for hair?
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