Tag: twice

Think Twice Before Buying Plants At A Big Box Store

Plants are perfect for all-year pops of color inside your home, and they’re even good for your health. Most of them, especially house plants, are perfectly suitable for people who are just beginning to harness their green thumbs, and some, such as succulents, are super low maintenance. However, you may want to pay extra attention

Here’s Why You Should Think Twice About Burning Incense

Burning incense has been a common practice in China since 2000 BC, often used for religious practices. People from ancient China used various plants and herbs such as sandalwood and cinnamon as incense (via Heddels). The purpose for burning incense varies. Today, people use incense for prayer, worship, or simply for aromatic purposes to make

People of Black and Asian ethnicity up to twice as likely to be infected with COVID-19 as those of White ethnicity

People of Black ethnicity are twice as likely to be infected with COVID-19 compared to those of White ethnicity, according to researchers at the Universities of Leicester and Nottingham, supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Leicester Biomedical Research Centre. The findings are published in EClinical Medicine by The Lancet today. People from

Parents: Think twice before you pressure your picky eater

Seriously, does anyone really like peas? More importantly, should parents pressure kids to eat them anyway, and does it hurt or help the child? Parents struggle mightily with this question, and a recent University of Michigan study clears up some of the confusion, says Julie Lumeng, director of the U-M Center for Human Growth and