Mum in pain for 11 years stunned to find needle and thread inside her

María Aderlinda Forero had been in pain for 11 years when the cause of her suffering was finally revealed.

The 39-year-old mum’s ordeal began after a tubal litigation procedure over a decade ago, where she had her fallopian tubes tied following the birth of her fourth child.

Days after the surgery, María was in severe pain and was prescribed acetaminophen to help her cope.

She initially put symptoms down to recent labour, but her condition continued to worsen and doctors put her on stronger painkillers including meloxicam. Yet even these weren’t enough to relieve her agony.

María, who lives in the rural village of San Isidro, near Medellín, Colombia, said the pain was so strong that she was often unable to sleep or move around.

But although the situation upended her life and led to a number of job changes, she’s now got to the bottom of the issue, as tests revealed a needle and thread had been inside her body for years.

Due to economic reasons and the fact María would have had to travel the long distance into town on her husband’s motorbike, she was unable to receive medical help.

The couple were also unable to travel in the winter months because of the state of the roads in her rural municipality.

However, despite delays, she was eventually given an ultrasound and MRI scan – and the results stunned doctors.

It appeared that the surgeon who performed María’s tubal litigation had left a needle and thread inside her after the procedure, causing over 4,000 days of previously unexplained pain.

The mum-of-four told Semana: ‘He told me that in surgery they left me a needle with thread. I couldn’t believe it.’

After the discovery in November 2022, she took the results of the scan to the surgeon who originally operated on her, but was told it wasn’t his fault and that she may have swallowed the items.

María is now awaiting an assessment to have the needle and thread removed, a risky procedure given how long they’ve been embedded inside her.

Time is of the essence, though, because a number of long-term complications can arise when foreign objects are lodged in the body, including cancer.

‘What I need is for them to operate quickly, for them to remove this because I don’t want to die and leave my children,’ María said.

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