Category: Health News

Are you really you when you’re hungry? Hunger can lead to anger, but it’s more complicated than a drop in blood sugar, study says

What makes someone go from simply being hungry to full-on “hangry”? More than just a simple drop in blood sugar, this combination of hunger and anger may be a complicated emotional response involving an interplay of biology, personality and environmental cues, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. “We all know that hunger

Many at risk for HIV despite lifesaving pill

Multiple barriers may stop high-risk individuals from accessing an HIV drug that can reduce the subsequent risk of infection, according to a new University of Michigan study. Researchers outlined solutions that would help overcome barriers that make it harder for underserved populations to access pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported

Patients’ self-diagnosis of personality disorders not as far off as previously believed

Purdue University researchers think the gap between a psychologists’ diagnosis and a patient’s self-evaluation might not be as extreme as previously perceived when both are using the same evaluation tools. The research findings are published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. They lessen concerns that people lack awareness of their own personality pathology.

Mu­sic play­school en­hances chil­dren’s lin­guistic skills

Several studies have suggested that intensive musical training enhances children’s linguistic skills. Such training, however, is not available to all children. Researchers at Cognitive Brain Research Unit in the University of Helsinki studied in a community setting whether a low-cost, weekly music playschool provided to 5-6-year-old children in kindergartens affects their linguistic abilities. The children

Algorithm predicts dangerous low blood pressure during surgery

Scientists have developed an algorithm that predicts potentially dangerous low blood pressure, or hypotension, that can occur during surgery. The algorithm identifies hypotension 15 minutes before it occurs in 84 percent of cases, the researchers report in a new study published in the Online First edition of Anesthesiology, the peer-reviewed medical journal of the American

Is Expired Sunscreen Better Than No Sunscreen?

You've just claimed a spot on the beach; the sun is rising overhead, and you're looking forward to a relaxing day of sea and sun. And speaking of sun — you mustn't forget to apply a generous layer of protective sunblock. But when you reach for your tube of sunscreen, you notice that it's long

This ‘light-activated’ drug could treat Parkinson’s

The drug — which is activated by shining light down an optical fiber implanted in the brain — reduced Parkinson’s symptoms and improved motor function in mice. In a paper about the work now published in the Journal of Controlled Release, the international team suggests that the “light-operated” drug could potentially treat other movement disorders.

7 ways to become the person who works out at 6am

Could you be that person who exercises at 6am? Experts share 7 tips that make morning workouts so much easier Just 10 minutes of exercise a day triggers a ‘runner’s high’ in your brain But most of us find excuses to skip a morning workout – from ‘I’m tired’ to ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’ Anna