Study identifies new pathway to suppressing autoimmunity

Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, and the Hospital for Special Surgery Research Institute have uncovered new details about how the immune system prevents the production of antibodies that can recognize and damage the body’s own, healthy tissues. The study, to be published September 29 in the Journal of

This Symptom Signals UTI in 83% of Cases

TOPLINE: Dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse) is a major indicator of urinary tract infections, being present in 83% of cases. The symptom is especially accurate at identifying UTIs in nonmenopausal women, researchers have found. METHODOLOGY: Dyspareunia is a common symptom of UTIs, especially in premenopausal women, but is rarely inquired about during patient evaluations, according to

Proof the G-spot IS real?

Proof the G-spot IS real? Surgeons find delicate op on elusive zone meant to give women mind-blowing orgasms can kill their sex lives  EXC: Women report drop in orgasms after op to area thought to contain G-spot Findings may suggest elusive zone exists but scientists remain divided It is an elusive zone which supposedly gives

Experts present pioneering vision on reducing brain disorders by 2050

A special supplement to the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease presents insights and new directions in both basic and clinical research into neurodegenerative diseases. Because by 2050, the number of people suffering from brain disorders is estimated to reach 155 million, now is the time to think innovatively to discover new pathways for future brain studies.

Cleared to launch? Ethical guidelines needed for human research in commercial spaceflight

The commercial spaceflight industry is expanding opportunities for scientific research in space, but the industry needs clear ethical guidelines before human research is ready for liftoff. In a new policy paper published in Science, a global, multidisciplinary team of bioethicists, health policy experts, space health researchers, commercial spaceflight professionals and government regulators outlines potential ethical

Doll play allows children to develop and practice social skills regardless of their neurodevelopmental profile

Neuroscientists from Cardiff University have found that doll play could benefit children with varying social communication styles, including those who display neurodivergent traits commonly associated with autism. Part of a long-term study commissioned by Mattel, researchers monitored the brain activity of 57 children aged 4 to 8 years with varying levels of autistic traits. The

Rapid heartbeat: How a nasal spray may offer quick, easy treatment

About 1 in 300 people in the United States have a racing heartbeat condition known as paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. In a new study, a nasal spray drug showed promise in treating these acute events and potentially becoming superior to current treatments. If deemed safe and effective, this drug could help people get immediate relief and

Direct dispensing of prenatal supplements with iron reduces anemia

Directly providing prenatal iron supplements significantly improves average hematocrit levels throughout pregnancy and reduces anemia in underserved patients, according to a study published online Sept. 1 in JAMA Network Open. Lisa R. Thiele, M.D., M.P.H., from the University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, and colleagues evaluated if providing rather than recommending supplements

Safety concerns about youth access to online marijuana dispensaries

Researchers from the Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York, Lake Success, have looked into age verification procedures and the potential for underage youth access to online marijuana dispensaries in the United States. In the paper, “Access to Marijuana by Minors Via Online Dispensaries,” published in JAMA Pediatrics, researchers performed a cross-sectional