Tag: Alzheimer’s disease

What are Amyloid Plaques?

Amyloid plaques are aggregates of misfolded proteins that form in the spaces between nerve cells. These abnormally configured proteins are thought to play a central role in Alzheimer's disease. The amyloid plaques first develop in the areas of the brain concerned with memory and other cognitive functions. The amyloid hypothesis Amyloid plaques form when pieces

Blood Flow Through the Brain & Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by the presence of beta-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles of tau, that together lead to the progressive neurodegeneration of neurons in the brain leading to the symptoms of dementia. Image Credit:Atthapon Raksthaput Recent research has revealed that patients and animal models of Alzheimer’s disease display significant disturbances to brain blood flow

I’m a Brain Doctor, and This Is What I Do to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Despite the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars over the past several decades on the part of pharmaceutical companies, we still don’t have any meaningful treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, in a recent extensive study just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the two most commonly prescribed medications for Alzheimer’s

9 old age health problems that can strike young people

There are diseases or problems we tend to associate with older people but unfortunately, they can happen at any time. Here’s what to be aware of… Arthritis It’s a common misconception that arthritis is an old person’s disease. While osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear, and therefore most common among those over 65, rheumatoid

Can herpes virus lead to Alzheimer’s disease?

Scientists have found up to two times higher level of human herpes virus among people with Alzheimer’s disease, suggesting the potential role of the viruses in the development of the progressive brain disorder. Herpes virus causes contagious sores, most often around the mouth or on the genitals. The study found unusually increased level of human