A new study into recent cases of ocular syphilis warns increasing numbers of people are at risk of permanent damage to their vision. Researchers from the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil and Flinders University, led by Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor of Ophthalmology Justine Smith, analysed cases at four medical centres in Brazil over two
The arteries of teenagers who drink alcohol and smoke, even very occasionally, are already beginning to stiffen by age 17, according to UCL research. Arterial stiffness indicates damage to the blood vessels, which predicts heart and blood vessel problems in later life, such as heart attacks and stroke. The findings, published in the European Heart
With an uptick in cases of hand, foot and mouth disease in the area, Loyola Medicine pediatric infectious disease specialist Nadia Qureshi, MD, offers tips to keep kids healthy as they go back to school. “The most important prevention is good hand hygiene,” Dr. Qureshi said. Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is caused by
For exercise, many people cycle to and from work, or visit the gym to lift weights. Regardless of the form of training they choose, people exercise to improve their health. But researchers actually know surprisingly little about exactly how different forms of training affect health. However, researchers from the University of Copenhagen have now come
THURSDAY, Aug. 23, 2018 — Patients may say no to unnecessary surgery for low-risk thyroid cancer if doctors simply avoid using the word “cancer” when discussing treatment options, a new study suggests. Nearly twice as many people wanted their entire thyroid removed when doctors used the wording “papillary thyroid cancer,” as opposed to a “papillary
When I was in my teens, ballet was my everything. I left school at 14 to pursue my dream of being a professional dancer. When I was on stage, it all just felt right. But when the curtain fell, or the rehearsal ended, the pressures of looking the part took over. I didn’t eat very
Two new studies have unveiled how a peculiar molecule impacts how antibody-producing cells develop and function as well as how normal melanocytes progress to melanoma malignancy. “These findings on fundamental immunology and melanoma development originate from totally different areas of research, though have intersected at the bench,” said Charles Dimitroff, Ph.D., of the Department of
In this article, we look at what healthy spots on the tongue do, and the causes of unusual spots. We also cover diagnosis, treatment, and prevention tips. Healthy tongue spots There are four kinds of healthy spots or bumps that typically appear on the tongue. The medical term for these spots is papillae. Fungiform papillae
In this article, we examine some of the apparent benefits of vitamin E for hair and look at what evidence supports them. We also explain how people can increase their intake of vitamin E and consider whether or not there are any risks or side effects. What can vitamin E do for hair? People have
Researchers have long believed that the amygdala, an almond-shaped structure in the brain, is central to the experience and perception of fear. Studies initiated in the 1990s of a patient with a rare condition affecting the amygdala initially seemed to support this conclusion. However, as Lisa Feldman Barrett, Ph.D., of the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)
“Gilding the lily” is somewhat particular to American gastronomy. Paris was not the home of the first burger topped with foie gras, nor was Rome where milkshakes first came garnished with slices of cake. It was under these spacious skies, these amber waves of grain, that the Heart Attack Grill first came roaring to life.
In a rare study of its kind, new University of Toronto research has identified how vitamin D3 and periodontitis influence Type 2 diabetes. Aleksandra Zuk, a PhD candidate in epidemiology at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, found increased odds of developing Type 2 diabetes among people with gum disease who are also lacking in
Oxygen deprivation associated with preterm birth leaves telltale signs on the brains of newborns in the form of alterations to cerebellar white matter at the cellular and the physiological levels. Now, an experimental model of this chronic hypoxia reveals that those cellular alterations have behavioral consequences. Chronic sublethal hypoxia is associated with locomotor miscoordination and
Rosy cheeks occur as a result of blood vessels widening near the surface of the skin. In many cases, the body will react like this for benign reasons, such as trying to warm the skin up in cold conditions. However, rosy cheeks can sometimes signify a more severe condition. It is important for a person
Excessive body fat is associated with negative effects on female fertility and pregnancy. In mice, maternal obesity impairs proper development of egg precursor cells called oocytes. In a recent paper published in Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, Qiang Wang and colleagues at the State Key Laboratory of Reproductive Medicine in China describe the link between poor
(HealthDay)—For patients with newly diagnosed head and neck cancer (HNC), quality of life may improve with marijuana use, according to a study published online Aug. 2 in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery. Han Zhang, M.D., from McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, and colleagues conducted a prospective cohort study involving patients enrolled at the time of
Around 17 percent of people die from cancer, but the disease is not a problem restricted to humans; it affects a wide range of species. From cats and dogs to fish and Tasmanian devils — even duck-billed dinosaurs seem to have been afflicted. Interestingly, under 5 percent of elephants in captivity die from cancer. This
A new procedure that allows surgeons to access and remove the thyroid and parathyroid glands through small incisions on the inside of the mouth provides successful results with no visible scarring on the neck. Dr. Raymon Grogan, associate professor in the Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine, describes how the
IHOP made waves when it announced on Twitter that it was changing its name to IHOb—a move that prompted some faux-outrage and angst (at least on social media). The “b” stood for burgers—it was adding seven “steakhouse” burgers to its menu. Since we live a PR-driven world of perpetual April fools-style gimmicks, the whole thing
Today, nearly 40 percent of U.S. adults and 21 percent of youth are obese. This trend is on the upswing and the worldwide population is becoming more obese – which is increasing the risk of other conditions like Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease whose prevalence has doubled globally in the last 30 years. But
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