Tag: and

Peripheral artery disease: Symptoms, treatments, and causes

PAD affects the blood vessels causing them to narrow, therefore restricting the blood flow to the arms, kidneys, stomach, and most commonly, the legs. An estimated 8.5 million people in the United States have peripheral artery disease, affecting approximately 12-20 percent of Americans over 60. Peripheral artery disease is a major risk factor for heart

10 Snacks a Food Writer Packs for Day Hikes and Car Trips

Who hasn’t stood under a fast food awning, mouth agape, trying to pick out the burger, fried chicken, or salad option that will destroy her sense of health and well-being the least? There’s nothing wrong with fast fixes for hunger pangs, of course—you know your cravings best—but for me, this scenario happens too often on

Shatavari: Health benefits, uses, and evidence

Shatavari, also known as satavari, satavar, or Asparagus racemosus (A. racemosus), is said to promote fertility and have a range of health benefits, particularly for the female reproductive system. The herb is thought to be adaptogenic, which means that it may help to regulate the body’s systems and improve resistance to stress. In this article,

Deltoid pain: Causes, exercises, and relief

It is located in the uppermost part of the arm, at the shoulder. Tendons attach the deltoid to the collarbone, shoulder blade, and upper arm. Like many other muscles, the deltoid can be sore for a variety of reasons, including overuse and tendon injuries. In this article, we explore the causes of deltoid pain. We

Preschool and school-age irritability predict reward-related brain function

Preschool irritability and concurrent irritability were uniquely associated with aberrant patterns of reward-related brain connectivity, highlighting the importance of developmental timing of irritability for brain function, finds a study published in the June 2018 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP). “Irritability is one of the most frequent

Asthma and flu: a double whammy

Asthma and respiratory viruses don’t go well together. Weakened by the common cold or the flu, a person suffering an asthma attack often responds poorly to emergency treatment; some must be hospitalized. This is especially true for preschoolers. But what if there were a simple solution to help ward off the double whammy of an

The effects of virtual reality on reducing anxiety and improving pregnancy rates for fertility treatment

New research presented at this year’s Euroanaesthesia congress in Copenhagen, Denmark, shows that giving women different types of virtual reality (VR) sessions prior to sedation for IVF treatment reduces their anxiety and could improve successful pregnancy rates. The study was conducted by Professor Fabienne Roelants, Saint-Luc Hospital, Catholic University of Louvain, Brussels, Belgium, and colleagues.

Gastrointestinal perforation: Causes, treatment, and complications

Gastrointestinal perforation is a painful condition that can lead to further health complications, so emergency surgery is often necessary. This article explores the causes and symptoms of gastrointestinal perforation. It also covers complications, diagnosis, treatment, and when to see a doctor. What is gastrointestinal perforation? Gastrointestinal perforation is a hole in the wall of the

Schatzki ring: What to know, imaging, and treatment

When a ring forms, a person may have no symptoms. Or, they may have difficulty swallowing, which the medical community calls dysphagia. The difficulty may get worse when a person eats dry bread or meat. Schatzki rings are not cancerous, and they are usually harmless. Changing the diet and patterns of eating can help with

How to gain weight quickly and safely

Some methods of gaining weight can have severe short- and long-term effects on health. This poses a challenge for people needing to gain weight and for those who are at a healthy weight but wish to build muscle. This article explains how to determine whether a person is underweight. It also provides tips for gaining

Egg yolk for hair: Benefits and how to use it

While there is little research supporting the benefits of egg yolks for hair, there are many websites dedicated to natural beauty remedies for the hair and scalp, including eggs. Read on for more information about what people say about benefits of egg yolks for healing the hair. What benefits do egg yolks offer for hair?

Lemongrass tea: Benefits and use

The plant has long leaves that are similar to those of seagrasses. While an estimated 55 species of lemongrass exist, only the East Indian and West Indian varieties are suitable for use in cooking. Several researchers are interested in the health and medicinal benefits of drinking lemongrass tea. In this article, we take a look

Pimples on legs: Causes and treatment

Pimples often appear as one or more red or white, potentially itchy or painful, bumps on the skin. In some cases, they form a pink-red rash on the adjacent skin or produce pus. They may also make a person feel uncomfortable, exposing their legs in front of others. Still, pimples on the legs are often