Every morning, Britta Vander Linden dons compression stockings, a cumbersome process she calls “putting on my legs.” She relies on the garments to stand and walk without intense leg pain and swelling. That’s because Vander Linden, 44, was born with lymphedema. The condition affects the lymphatic system, a network of lymph nodes and vessels that
Older women who suffer vertebral fractures rarely attract the attention of health care providers. A dissertation at Sahlgrenska Academy, Sweden, throws new light on a group of individuals with chronic pain as a constant companion. “We must become more aware of these women and take their experiences of pain seriously,” says Hilda Svensson, district nurse
New research presented at this year’s Euroanaesthesia congress in Copenhagen, Denmark, shows that the quality of chest compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can be improved by using either a smartphone app or by using the song “La Macarena” as a mental memory aid. The study is by Professor Enrique Carrero Cardenal and colleagues at the
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