Tag: Cystic

Cystic fibrosis center prioritizes screening for depression and anxiety

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic, progressive disease that causes persistent lung infections and impacts the most basic physical processes. While recent breakthroughs have significantly extended the lifespan of patients with CF, the disease presents patients and their caregivers with significant, lifelong daily challenges. The primary purpose of cystic fibrosis clinics is to treat the physical

Study reveals ‘bug wars’ that take place in cystic fibrosis

Scientists have revealed how common respiratory bugs that cause serious infections in people with cystic fibrosis interact together, according to a new study in eLife. The results provide insights into how bacterial pathogens wrestle each other for territory that could open avenues for new antibacterial treatments. Studies of microbes from mouths, intestines, chronic wounds and

Most patients with cystic fibrosis may receive insufficient antibiotics to fight lung infections

The majority of patients with cystic fibrosis may not achieve blood concentrations of antibiotics sufficiently high enough to effectively fight bacteria responsible for pulmonary exacerbations, leading to worsening pulmonary function, indicates a study led by researchers at Children’s National Health System. Additionally, the study findings show that it’s impossible to predict solely from dosing regimens

New hope for cystic fibrosis

A new triple-combination drug treatment being trialled at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane could increase the life expectancy of patients with cystic fibrosis. Mater Research Institute-University of Queensland (MRI-UQ) researcher Dr. Lucy Burr said seven patients were enrolled in Phase 2 of the clinical trial, which aimed to treat the underlying cause of cystic fibrosis.

3-Drug Therapy Might Be Cystic Fibrosis ‘Breakthrough’

THURSDAY, Oct. 18, 2018 — In what researchers are calling a “breakthrough,” two preliminary trials have found that either of two triple-drug regimens could potentially benefit 90 percent of people with cystic fibrosis. The trials were short-term, finding that the drug combinations improved adult patients’ lung function over four weeks. But experts said they were