The coronavirus, or rather the measurements taken against it, changed our perception of time. For many, the attempts to prevent the spread of the virus resulted in a feeling that time had come to a standstill. When the pandemic first hit, this notion of stopped time was at the core of a widespread sense of
It’s long been known that endurance athletes have larger hearts on average than the rest of the population and that cardiac enlargement is a healthy adaptation to exercise. But what wasn’t known until now was whether the aorta—the main artery leaving the heart and supplying the body with oxygenated blood—followed suit, and if it did,
Endurance athletes are as superhuman as it gets, fueled by a seemingly inexhaustible energy. But a new study suggests that human endurance does have a limit — and it's likely similar for everyone. The long-term cap is about 2.5 times the body's resting metabolic rate, or 4,000 calories per day for an average person, scientists
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