Skip to How does stress affect sperm quality? Evidence linking stress and sperm quality How to improve sperm quality Several studies over the years have found a close link between psychological stress and infertility. Infertility is becoming more common these days, affecting 12 of 100 couples in the US. In about one-third of these cases,
The ageing process can be unforgiving in many ways but two that stand out for men are erectile problems and being overweight. The two may not be related but they are both tied to unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as drinking too much alcohol and stress. They can both produce similarly negative effects on mental health
TYPE 2 diabetes means a person’s pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to regulate their blood sugar levels. Overtime, unchecked blood sugar levels can pose a number serious health complications such as heart disease and strokes. It may come as a surprise that the chronic condition can also lead to a certain sexual health problem. What
Fewer than half of men and women in Britain aged 16-44 have sex at least once a week, reveals a large study published by The BMJ today. The data show a general decline in sexual activity in Britain between 2001 and 2012, with the steepest declines among the over 25s and those who are married
Medical researchers at Melbourne’s Murdoch Children’s Research Institute have made a new discovery about how a baby’s sex is determined — it’s not just about the X-Y chromosomes, but involves a ‘regulator’ that increases or decreases the activity of genes which decide if we become male or female. The study, ‘Human Sex Reversal is caused
A systemwide change to the culture and climate in higher education is needed to prevent and effectively respond to sexual harassment, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. There is no evidence that current policies, procedures, and approaches — which often focus on symbolic compliance with the law and
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