Jenna Jameson’s initial 57-pound weight loss on the keto diet was already pretty impressive. But the fact that she continues to stick to her goals and lose weight, even after such an accomplishment? All I can say is: Damn, girl. Jenna Jameson literally just posted two more photos on Instagram: One showing another crazy weight
Every year, Americans make 30,000 emergency room visits because of food allergies, according to the Food and Drug Administration. Even touching a surface that previously held peanuts can trigger anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction. When a peanut-allergic person starts feeling their throat close up, they stab themselves with an epinephrine, or adrenaline, device and then
Feel like no matter how often you brush your teeth, they still look anything but white? While you know that coffee, soft drinks, berries, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, and red wine (*sob*) will all change the color of your chompers, they aren’t the only culprits. Here are nine sneaky teeth-stainers: 1. Lemonade While it may
The concept of survival of the fittest most often applies to the competition that occurs within and between animal species, but evolutionary pressures can be found elsewhere—even in a cancerous tumor. Cancer researchers have come to understand tumors not as lumps of identical cells, but rather as diverse, dynamic populations unto themselves. And, like individuals
While long, stately names certainly carry a certain amount of clout, they’re also a lot to saddle a baby with. You’re probably not going to call an infant by a long-winded moniker like Alexander or Samantha anyway, and are most likely going opt for shorter variations like Alex and Sam. So why bother giving your
The percentage of people who died by suicide and who had opiates in their system more than doubled from 2006 to 2017, particularly in the most recent years, according to new research being presented today at the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting here. The rate of suicide in the U.S. is on the rise; about
The emergence of antibiotic resistance among dangerous pathogens is increasingly problematic worldwide. Many strains of infectious bacteria have become multidrug-resistant, and cannot be treated with common antibiotic therapies. While the antibiotic colistin can often be used to treat infections by multidrug-resistant bacteria, colistin resistance is also on the rise and represents an emerging global health
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