Every now and again something stops us in our tracks as we mindlessly scroll through various celebrity selfies, vacation pics, and #ootd posts on Instagram. More often than not, the picture that causes us to cease our endless scrolling is food-related, and this year a certain round, bumpy, brightly colored fruit caught our eyes: Sumo
The toddler with giant hands: Two-year-old with a rare condition that causes fluid to build-up in her body is forced to have LIPOSUCTION to reduce the size of her fists Cora Ruben has lymphedema – when the lymphatic system doesn’t work well Endured massages and compression bandages, but her fists still grew Expert discovered her
Urgent attention needs to be paid to frail older New Zealanders’ oral health, a University of Otago study has highlighted. In a world first, Otago researchers surveyed the oral health of 987 people living in aged residential care and found those with dementia, and older men in general, have dirtier and more decayed teeth. Otago
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