The definition of vision impairment by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says a visually impaired person’s eyesight cannot be corrected to a “normal level”. It may be said that visual impairment is the functional limitation of the eye or eyes or the vision system. This leads to (1-5) – Loss of visual
There is no cure for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Therapy aims to reduce the symptoms to allow for normal learning and growth of the child. Basic tenets of therapy include medication and counselling. Other parts of therapy include accommodating the child in regular classrooms and providing family and community support. Types of ADHD Medication
NHS patients are being left to go BLIND because of year-long delays in getting appointments for glaucoma and other vision-robbing conditions, damning report warns Probe finds lengthy delays at NHS eye services caused by severe lack of staff Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch predicts 22 people a month go blind Investigation launched after mother-of-three went blind
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