Tag: Gwyneth

Drinking bone broth like Gwyneth Paltrow could lower blood pressure

Drinking trendy bone broth like Gwyneth Paltrow could ‘lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease and protect against type 2 diabetes’ Cooking pig bones releases proteins that block enzymes linked to hypertension Also degrades hormones that drive high blood pressure and diabetes’ onset Researchers recommend people drink bone broth ‘habitually’  e-mail 72 View comments Drinking bone

How Gwyneth Paltrow Overcame Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is far too common. According to the American Psychological Association, 1 out of every 7 women has experienced — or will experience — PPD. And celebrities are certainly not immune. In fact, in recent years, numerous models, singers, actors and musicians have spoken out about their own struggles — including Gwyneth Paltrow. In