Tag: have

Vaccines are critical if you have diabetes

(HealthDay)—If you have diabetes, you need all recommended vaccinations, the American Association of Diabetes Educators says. Diabetes reduces the immune system’s ability to fight certain infections. This raises the risk for serious complications from diseases that vaccines protect against—including flu, pneumonia, hepatitis B, tetanus and shingles. “People with diabetes may be at higher risk of

Alzheimer’s myths busted: The six most common misconceptions

Alzheimer’s myths busted: Experts reveal the six most common misconceptions patients have – which cause many to DELAY getting checked People worry they will have to stop driving, give up work, and lose their memory Approximately 50 million people around the world are living with dementia Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of the

Obamacare May Have Boosted Access to Birth Control

FRIDAY, Aug. 31, 2018 — Medicaid expansion through the Affordable Care Act, also called Obamacare, may close a big gap in women’s access to reproductive health care, a new study suggests. In a survey of nearly 1,200 women of childbearing age enrolled in Michigan’s expansion of Medicaid for low-income adults, one in three said the

Study Finds Some Patients With A-Fib Have Hidden Brain Damage

MONDAY, Aug. 27, 2018 — In a new study of patients with the heart rhythm disorder atrial fibrillation (a-fib), 4 in 10 had previously undetected brain damage, though none had a history of stroke or mini-stroke. This brain damage could put them at risk for mental decline and dementia, researchers said. Their study included nearly

New Short-Term Health Plans Have Large Coverage Gaps

THURSDAY, Aug. 2, 2018 — There are large coverage gaps in short-term health plans that were approved Wednesday by the Trump administration, and are described by critics as “junk insurance.” The plans are meant to be a low-cost alternative to Obama-era plans with high premiums, but they don’t have to cover existing medical conditions and

8 Reasons You Have Joint Pain

Joint pain can be a mild annoyance that crops up just once, or it can be a clue that you may have something a little more serious going on. Here are some of the many reasons you may have joint pain as well as when it may be time to see a doctor. What is

Cannabinoids may have a vast array of anti-cancer effects

Previous research has shown that cannabinoids can help lessen side effects of anti-cancer therapies. Now a new British Journal of Pharmacology review has examined their potential for the direct treatment of cancer. Phytocannabinoids are the most notable type of cannabinoid, and they occur naturally in the cannabis plant. Studies have shown that cannabinoids may stop

How can you tell if you have an amoxicillin rash?

Amoxicillin comes from penicillin, which is known to cause allergic reactions in some people. An amoxicillin rash can be mild or severe, depending on how sensitive the individual is to the medication. It can be red or purple and can spread across the body. Amoxicillin rash may also show up as hives, which are red

To Have a Healthier Day, Start Every Morning Doing This

Sometimes hitting snooze seven times in the morning feels like a good idea—until you get out of bed frazzled, forget your gym bag, leave your healthy lunch in the fridge, and give up on that whole annoying healthy life idea. (Been there!) Tomorrow, devote just a few minutes to these simple tricks, all designed to

What To Do If You Have An Oily Scalp

Greasy hair, don’t care? Yeah, right. If you have an oily scalp, you know frustrating it can be to have hair that feels clean one minute and dirty the next. So what exactly causes all that oil? “The reason hair gets oily is because sebaceous glands in your scalp produce excess sebum, which travels down