One of WHO's 3 strategic goals is to ensure that an additional 1 billion people in the world are protected by universal health coverage (UHC) by 2023 – able to access the services they need to keep healthy, without falling into poverty as a result. A key step in making this a reality is for
There are very few things as logistically complex as the task that is now getting underway: universal public immunization against COVID-19 to as many as 70-85 percent of the population as quickly as possible, to achieve herd immunity. So what will success look like? As a team of researchers dedicated to investigating how health and
Using antibodies from recovered patients has been life-saving for other acute infections and should be explored in response to COVID-19, researchers say in the International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine. The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has infected more than 4 million people and killed close to 280,000. Finding a vaccine has become a global
Immunization with beneficial bacteria can have long-lasting anti-inflammatory effects on the brain, making it more resilient to the physical and behavioral effects of stress, according to new research by University of Colorado Boulder scientists. The findings, if replicated in clinical trials could ultimately lead to new probiotic-based immunizations to protect against posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
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