Tag: increased

Children’s violent video game play associated with increased physical aggressive behavior

Violent video game play by adolescents is associated with increases in physical aggression over time, according to a Dartmouth meta-analysis published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Although most researchers on the subject agree that playing violent video games appears to increase physical aggression, a vocal minority continues to dispute this.

Psychological Distress Linked to Increased Risk of MI, Stroke

THURSDAY, Sept. 6, 2018 — Psychological distress is associated with myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke in men and women, according to a study published online Aug. 28 in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. Caroline A. Jackson, Ph.D., from the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom, and colleagues examined whether psychological distress is associated with

Diabetes risk increased in women who work long hours

While prior research has suggested a link between a long work week and an increased risk of diabetes, most of these studies focused on men. Interestingly, this recent research seems to find the opposite effect in males: the longer the work week, the lower the incidence of diabetes. For women who work 45 hours per

NIH warns of increased risk of heat-related illness for seniors

(HealthDay)—Older adults are at significantly increased risk of heat-related illnesses, which can include heat stroke, heat edema, heat syncope, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion, according to the National Institutes of Health. Factors that could increase risk include age-related changes to the skin such as poor blood circulation and inefficient sweat glands; heart, lung, and kidney

Increased understanding points to new approaches for PTSD prevention and treatment

Recent advances in scientific understanding of how posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops and persists may lead to more effective treatment and even prevention of this debilitating disorder, according to the May/June special issue of Harvard Review of Psychiatry. A growing body of evidence helps psychiatrists to understand the aspects of brain structure and function involved

Increased prevalence of depression, PTSD and medical conditions among military personnel who experience trauma

Service members who experience trauma, including sexual trauma, during their service are at increased risk of major depressive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and chronic medical conditions, according to new research presented today at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association here. Adverse childhood experiences also increased risk of PTSD among female service members.

DPP-4I not tied to increased risk of acute pancreatitis in seniors

(HealthDay)—For older adults, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors (DPP-4Is) are not associated with increased risk of acute pancreatitis, according to a study published online April 4 in Diabetes Care. Jin-Liern Hong, Ph.D., from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and colleagues examined the risks of acute pancreatitis among U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, aged 66+ years,