Tag: nausea

Brain Cancer Symptoms

It is important to remember that no two persons with brain cancer tend to show same symptoms or signs. In addition, brain tumors and cancers may be sometimes difficult to diagnose as most of their symptoms and signs are commonplace and sometimes overlap with other ailments. That said, the severity and extent of symptoms caused

ADHD Treatment

There is no cure for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Therapy aims to reduce the symptoms to allow for normal learning and growth of the child. Basic tenets of therapy include medication and counselling. Other parts of therapy include accommodating the child in regular classrooms and providing family and community support. Types of ADHD Medication

Somatization Symptoms

Somatization refers to the expression of psychological or emotional problems as physical (somatic) symptoms. A common example is a headache being brought on by stress. Credit: Yuttana Jaowattana/ Shutterstock.com Somatization can give rise to a group of disorders broadly referred to as the somatoform disorders, which may be characterized by chronic and severe symptoms. People