Tag: patient

Drop the Word ‘Cancer,’ and Patient Choices Change

THURSDAY, Aug. 23, 2018 — Patients may say no to unnecessary surgery for low-risk thyroid cancer if doctors simply avoid using the word “cancer” when discussing treatment options, a new study suggests. Nearly twice as many people wanted their entire thyroid removed when doctors used the wording “papillary thyroid cancer,” as opposed to a “papillary

Grim footage shows patient having 22 white hearing aid filters removed

Stomach-churning footage shows 22 wax-covered white hearing aid filters extracted from deep inside a patient’s ear (and he didn’t know they were there!) Neel Raithatha, an audiologist based in Leicestershire, removed the filters The YouTube sensation admitted that he was in ‘disbelief’ when he saw them Mr Raithatha joked he would never come across such

Patient complaints mainly about rudeness, rushing, reproach

(HealthDay)—Understanding patients’ complaints about practice can be instructive for physicians, according to an article published June 6 in Physicians Practice. Based on e-mails received in relation to a previous article, author Sue Jacques categorized complaints from patients into three groups: rudeness, rushing, and reproach. Complaints regarding rudeness vary from being verbally attacked by a receptionist